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发布时间:2021-03-16 00:30:29

『壹』 英语翻译 体育活动可以调节身心,减少压力.

Doing sports could not only ast your body and soul,but also rece the pressure.

『贰』 体育活动(英语翻译)

sports activities

『叁』 学习任务重,缺少体育活动的英语翻译

too much to learn , lack of physical activity

『肆』 我们几乎没有时间进行体育运动 翻译成英文怎么翻译

We hardly have time to do sports

『伍』 学习任务重,缺少体育活动,没有时间和同学沟通交流的英语翻译

study mission is important,leak of exercise activities,without time to communicate with classmate

『陆』 他不喜欢体育活动英译

He doesn't like sports.
He doesn't like sports.

『柒』 英语翻译 上周,我校开展了一系列有趣的体育活动

Last week,our school held a series of interesting physical activities.

『捌』 高三学生每周的课外体育活动时间最少英语翻译

Students of senior 3 have the least time to exercise

『玖』 翻译 运动不足症


『拾』 用英语简单介绍一些体育运动,追加50分!!!

呵呵 其实随便拉段chinadaliy往这一放 翻译 就够混个专家了
你问english edition 我就回答中文版 放心搜索不到的
回答决对水准 随你问个包罗万象拉


[ 2006-05-19 08:54 ]


A-beautician B-Cindy

A: Good afternoon, ma'am. What can I do for you?

B: Good afternoon. I want a facial. But this is the first time I've come here, so can you tell me how you do it?

A: Sure. Most facials start with a thorough cleansing. Then we usually use a toner to invigorate the skin, followed by an exfoliation treatment, a peeling mask or scrub that removes the dead cells that makes the skin look ll. After that, we'll massage your face and neck with oil or cream to improve circulation and relieve tension, followed by a mask to moisturize and soften the skin.

B: That's exactly what I want. How long does it take?

A: There are half hour and one hour treatments. The half hour facial costs twenty yuan and the one hour costs thirty yuan. If you want make-up, add another ten yuan .

B: Good. I'll take the half-hour facial with make-up.

A: We also have manicure service. Would you like it?

B: How much does it cost?

A: Ten yuan.

B: Yes, please.

toner: 收敛水
thorough cleansing: 彻底清洁
invigorate: 使有活力
exfoliation treatment: 去死皮
manicure: 修指甲




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