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发布时间:2021-03-07 08:48:22

1. 网球裁判长和副裁判长的标准英文翻译是什么

Tennis chief judge ``
Tennis assistant umpire is long

2. “裁判”的英文怎么说

裁判的英文为:The Referee。示例如下:

  1. Policemen had to escort the referee from the football field.


  2. He received the original ban last week after stamping on the referee's foot ring the supercup final.


  3. Lawrence kept on butting me but the referee did not warn him.


  4. The football supporters began throwing missiles, one of which hit the referee.


  5. He remonstrated with the referee


  6. He has apologised for critical remarks he made about the referee.


  7. The referee stopped the fight.


  8. White was in no doubt the referee made the correct decision.


  9. The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty.


  10. The referee took centre stage as 11 players were booked and one sent off in a bizarre game

  11. 在一次离奇的比赛中,裁判给11名队员记名警告,把一名队员罚下场,成了全场关注的焦点。

3. 裁判 英文怎么说

(裁判员) judge (指运动会或竞赛);umpire (排球、乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、棒球);referee (篮球、足球、拳击) ◇裁判官 umpire;裁判长 head judge;chief judge

4. 体育比赛中裁判英语怎么说


referee 和 umpire 都指执行规则并且解决争议点的执法人
umpire 尤指在棒球中被指定裁定比赛专的人
referee 指篮球、属足球、曲棍球、橄榄球、台球、拳击、摔交等项目的裁判员


umpire 是指指定来解决仲裁人未能解决的事务的人
Referee 是法庭指定来对一个案件作决定或作调查汇报的律师

5. 篮球裁判的专业术语的英语有哪些

一、1.violation 违例
.travelling 带球跑
3.kicking the ball球
4.held ball 争球
5.double dribble 两次运球
6.striking ball with the fist 拳击球
7.Interbrins with ball 干扰球
8.lmederence w1th the ball on offence 进攻队干扰球
9.Interkneme with the ball on offence 防守队干扰球
10.ProGREssing with the ball 持球移动
11.jump ball violations 跳球违例
12.three一second rule 三秒钟规则
13.bye—secon4rde 五秒钟规则
16.Penalty 罚则
17.ball returned to back court $回后场
18.Out—of—bounds 出界,界外
19.free throw 罚球
20.free throw violation 罚球违例
21.vlhatlons of the throw-in from out-of-bounds play 掷界外球时违例
22.Player who Is to attempt free throws 执行罚球的队员
23.the ball accidentally enters the basket from below球意外的从球篮下面进入
24.tiee free throw 三次罚球
25.two free throw 一次罚球
26.one free throw 一次罚球
27.the ball lodges in the basket support 球停在篮国支颈上
28.violation of the three second rule 三秒违例
29.violation of the five second rule 五秒违例
32.Jump ball in special situation 特殊情况的争球
33.illegal dribble 非法运球

二、1.foul 犯规
2.Personal foul 侵人犯规
3.technical foul 技术犯规
4.pushing 推人
5.holding 拉人
6.blocking 阻挡
7.charslns 撞人
8.illegal use of hands 非法用手
9.Intentional foul 故意犯规
10.double foul 双方犯规
11.disgualifyins foul 取消比赛资格的犯规
12.foul by team m control of the ball 控制球队犯规
13.trip 绊人
14.Personal contact 身体接触
15.five fouls 五次犯规
16.calling of the fouls 宣告犯规
17.techmcal foul ring intervals of play 比赛休息时间内的技 术犯规
18.fouls in special situations #殊情况下的犯规
19.unsportsmanlke conct 不道德的行为
20.profane language 不尊敬的语言
21.delay the game一拖延比赛
22.the foul was committed on a player 对投篮队员的犯规
in the act of shooting
23.suardlns from the real 从背后防守
24.grasPed the ring抓篮圈
25.obstructed vision 妨碍视线
26.the foul by the coach 教练员犯规
27.the foul by the player 队员犯规
28.the foul by the substitute 替补队员犯规
29.acts of violence 粗暴行为
30.acceptable contact 合法的身体接触
31.roughness of Personal contact 粗野的身体接触
32.calling fouls Procere 宣告犯规的程序
33.screen foul 掩护犯规
三、1.playing time 比赛时间
2.begining of the game 比赛开始
3.ties and power of the captain 队长职责和权力
4.inmng team 胜队
5.losing team 负队
6.pass 传球
7.dribble H球、
8.screen 掩护
9.plyot 旋转
10.centre forward,前锋
11.guard 后卫
12.balling play affer goal 中篮后继续比赛
13.decision of the game 比赛胜负
14.ball goes in to play 球进入比赛状态
15.time-out in case of injury 遇伤害事故中断比赛
16.control of the ball 控制球
17.ball racemes alive 球成活球
18.the act of shooting 投篮动作
19.the ball given to opponent 抢断球
20.control of the ball by the player 队员控制球
21.control of the ball by the team 队控制球
22.belnning of a game 开始比赛
23.opposing players 双方队员
24.players leave the court please 队员离场
25.the ball put in play at the mid—court 中场外掷界外球继续 比赛
26.the ball put in play at the side—line 边线外掷球比赛
27.the ball put in play at the end line 端线外掷球比赛
28.free throw Is successful 罚球中篮
29.a goal is made 中篮、投中
30.goaln't madle 投篮未中
31.cancel score 得分无效
32.refusal to play 拒绝比赛

6. 网球裁判长和副裁判长的标准英文翻译是什么大神们帮帮忙

网球裁判长:Tennis chief judge 副裁判长:Assistan umpire is long

7. 请问庭审中都得审判长、审判员、被告、原告等的英文翻译

chief Justice 审判长
judge 审判员
commission agent委托代理人

8. 审判长的英语翻译 审判长用英语怎么说

presiding judge



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