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发布时间:2021-02-15 18:11:20

⑴ 适合配音比赛的英文电影

最新好看的电影还是蛮多的 我给你介绍一些吧
对了 我看最新好看电影都在

这个电影网刊 www.haokan5.com

国外的《我是传奇》《阿甘正传》《肖申克的救赎》《史密斯夫妇》《这个杀手不太冷》《海上钢琴师》(这个是文艺片,但是真的很不错)《50次初恋》(爱情喜剧 很甜 很轻松)《吸血迷情》《特洛伊》《生化危机3:灭绝》《国家宝藏2》《七宗罪》(犯罪电影史上的里程碑)《地狱神探》(基努里维斯 很好看)《舞出我人生》(小成本电影 不过里面的歌很有节奏)《楚门的世界》(金凯瑞 我看了后有点小小的伤感)
《神奇遥控器》(轻松 喜剧 )《辛德勒的名单》(一个男人的责任 表现的淋漓尽致)《机械公敌》(威尔史密斯 我很喜欢他) 《全民公敌》(还是威尔史密斯 你生活在别人的监视器下) 《全民情敌》(又是威尔史密斯 这个比较轻松) 《拯救大兵瑞恩》《双面女友》(这个是韩国爱情片,开始很搞笑,但是也很感人)《穿普拉达的女王》

⑵ 配音大赛英语怎么说

bbing contest

⑶ 英语电影配音比赛


⑷ 我要参加英语配音比赛,请推荐较为适合的英文片段(不要超过1分钟)

你可以选罗马假日里面赫本的自白段。好像是美音,但是用英音念也all right啦,很经典的配音片段。

⑸ 英语比赛用的电影片段配音

你可以去看看 《小美人鱼》
选你自己觉得 比较简单的符合要求的片段

⑹ “英语配音比赛”的英语怎么说阿

english bbing match

⑺ 英语配音比赛

1阳光小美女最后舅舅和哥哥的对话,挺有意义的,部分摘抄Those were the best years of his life,cause they made him who he was. All the years ha was happy?You know ,total waste.Didn’t learn a thing. So,if you sleep until you are 18 years old,oh,think of the suffering you are gone a miss. 因 Life is one fucking beauty contest after another、
2楚门的世界的最后在走出去之前TRUMAN 与导演的对话,可能有点长
TRUMANWho are you?
CHRISTOF I am the creator..of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.
TRUMAN And who am I?
CHRISTOF You're the star.
TRUMAN Was nothing real?
CHRISTOF YOU were real. That's what made you so good to watch. Listen to me, Truman. There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself.
TRUMAN You never had a camera in my head!
CHRISTOF You're afraid. That's why you can't leave. It's okay,
Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school. heh heh. The episode when you lost your first tooth. heh heh heh. You can't leave, Truman. You belong here...With me. Talk to me. Say something. 'ell, say something, goddamnit! You're on television! You're live to the whole world!
TRUMAN In case I don't see ya', good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. Hahaha! Yeah!

3真爱至上中的父子对话大概在一半的时候You really want to know?- I really want to know.--Even though you won't be able to help?---Even if that's the case, ---yeah.OK. Well...truth is, actually...---I'm in love.---Sorry,I know I should be thinking about Mum and I am but I'm in love.---It was before she diedand there's nothing I can do about it.- Aren't you a bit young to be in love?- No.---Ah, well. OK, well...I'm a little relieved.- Why?- Because I...thought it'd be something worse.-----Worse than the total agony of being in love?Er... ---No, you're right.--Total agony.一段可爱的父子对话,爱从小朋友口中说出来真是很震撼

4,蒂凡尼的早餐 在结尾男主角对女主角的告白
Holly : Im like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We dont even belong to each other.
Paul : You know whats wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? Youre chicken, youve got no guts. Youre afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, lifes a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because thats the only chance anybodys got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing," and youre terrified somebodys gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, youre already in that cage. You built it yourself. And its not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. Its wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.

⑻ 英语配音大赛 如何翻译




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