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发布时间:2021-02-02 18:01:08

❶ 怎么做和体育有关的英语小报

体育一词,其英文本是physical ecation,指的是以身体活动为手段的教育,直译为身体的教育,简称为体育。随着国际交往的扩大,体育事业发展的规模和水平已是衡量一个国家、社会发展进步的一项重要标志,也成为国家间外交及文化交流的重要手段。体育可分为大众体育、专业体育、学校体育等种类。包括体育文化、体育教育、体育活动、体育竞赛、体育设施、体育组织、体育科学技术等诸多要素。
1. [physical culture;sport]∶一种娱乐消遣活动或需体力、智慧与技巧的比赛或竞技,它要求用或多或少的体力,按照传统的形式或一组规则进行,有时还作为一种职业在户外或室内进行
2. [physical ecation]∶辅助身体成长发育、增强体力体质的教育
1. 以发展体力、增强体质为主要任务的教育,通过参加各项运动来实现。
毛泽东 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》五:“应该使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展。”
2. 指体育运动
沙汀 《老烟的故事》:“虽然又矮又黑,却不能说不健康;甚至可以冒充体育专家。”

体育 英文:sports,gym,physical culture,physical ecation,physical training,PE.
学校体育的哪些基本功能体现了体育的意义?——答案:A.健体功能 B.教育功能 C.娱乐功能
在古希腊,游戏、角力、体操等曾被列为教育内容。17~18世纪,在西方的教育中也加进了打猎、游泳、爬山、赛跑、跳跃等项活动, 只是尚无统一的名称。18世纪末,德国的J.C.F.古茨穆茨曾把这些活动分类、综合 ,统称为“体操”。进入19世纪,一方面是德国形成了新的体操体系,并广泛传播于欧美各国;另一方面是相继出现了多种新的运动项目。在学校也逐渐开展了超出原来体操范围的更多的运动项目,建立起“体育是以身体活动为手段的教育”这一新概念。于是,在相当的一段时间里,“体操”和“体育”两个词并存,相互混用,比较混乱,直到20世纪初才逐渐在世界范围内统一称为“体育”。
1762年,卢梭在法国出版了《爱弥尔》一书。他使用“体育”一词来描述对爱弥尔进行身体的养护、培养和训练等身体教育过程。由于这本书激烈地批判了当时的教会教育,而在世界引起很大反响,因此“体育”一词同时也在世界各国流传开来。从这里我们可以清楚地看到,“体育”一词的最初产生是起自于“教育”一词,它最早的含意是指教育体系中的一个专门领域。到19世纪,世界上教育发达国家都普遍使用了“体育”一词。而我国由于闭关自守,直到19世纪中叶,德国和瑞典的体操传入我国,随后清政府在兴办的“洋学堂” 中设置了“体操课”。1902年左右,一些在日本留学的学生从日本传来了“体育”这一术语。随着西方文化不断涌入我国,学校体育的内容也从单一的体操向多元化发展,课堂上出现了篮球、田径、足球等。许多有识之士提出不能把学校体育课称体操课了,必须理清概念层次。1923年,在《中小学课程纲要草案》中,正式把“体操课”改为“体育课”。
“体育”一词在含义上也有一个演化过程。它刚传入我国时,是指身体的教育,作为教育的一部分出现的,是一种与维持和发展身体的各种活动有关联的一种教育过程,与国际上理解的“体育”(phyical ecation)是一致的。随着社会的进步和体育事业的不断发展,其目的和内容都大大超出了原来“体育”的范畴,体育的概念也出现了“广义”与“狭义”解释。当用于广义时,一般是指体育运动,其中包括了体育教育、竞技运动 和身体锻炼三个方面;用于狭义时,一般是指体育教育。近年来,不少学者对“体育”的概 念提出了一些解释,但比较趋于一致的解释为:“体育是以身体活动为媒介,以谋求个体身心健康、全面发展为直接目的,并以培养完善的社会公民为终极目标的一种社会文化现象或教育过程”。体育的这一定义既说明了它的本质属性,又指出了它的归属范畴,同时也把自身从与其邻近或相似的社会现象中区别出来。但是,体育的概念并非是一成不变的,随着社会的发展和进步,对体育的认识也将有所发展。


1) 是一种主动疗法,要求思者主动参加治疗过程,通过锻炼治疗疾病;
2) 是一种全身治疗,通过神经、神经反射机制改善全身机能,达到增强体质,提高抵抗力的目的;
3) 是一种自然疗法,利用人类固有的自然功能(运动)作为治疗手段,一般不受时间、地点、设备条件的限制。通常采用医疗体操、慢跑、散步、自行车、气功、太极拳和特制的运动器械(如拉力器、自动跑台等),以及日光浴、空气浴、水浴等为治疗手段。宜因人而异、持之以恒、循序渐进,并配合药物或手术治疗和心理疏导。二干多年前已用“导引”、“养生”作为防治疾病的手段,后又不断发展与提高,成为中国运动医学的重要组成部分。




❷ 我要办关于体育的英语手抄报

Ming | 11

Position: C
Born: Sep 12, 1980
Height: 7-5 / 2,26
Weight: 296 lbs. / 134,3 kg.
From : China

PPG 18.3
RPG 8.40
APG 0.8
EFF + 20.60

Ranked third in NBA field goal percentage in 2004-05 with a .552 average
three-time NBA All-Star (2003-05)

Among NBA leaders, ranked seventh in field goal percentage, 13th in blocked shots per game and 15th rebounding average (2003-04)

Through 2003-04, has yet to miss a game in his NBA career
Named starting center for Western Conference All-Star team for second consecutive season (2004)
Ranks third in Rockets history in career blocked shots per game and eighth in career blocked shots
Has compiled 60 career double-doubles
Earned first-ever Western Conference Player of the Week honors on 3/8/04

Scored a career-high and Rockets indivial season-high 41 points with 16 rebounds and a career-high seven assists vs. Atlanta on 2/22/04

Scored 22 points with a Rockets indivial season-high and career-high 20 rebounds vs. Detroit on 12/6/03

Blocked a career-high seven shots vs. Miami on 11/11/03

Voted The Sporting News Rookie of the Year by NBA executives
Earned unanimous NBA All-Rookie First Team honors after averaging 13.5 points with 8.2 rebounds and 1.74 blocks in 82 games (2002-03)

Reached three blocks 26 times, as Houston held a 22-4 record in these contests (2002-03)

Started at center for the Western Conference in the 2003 NBA All-Star Game after ranking fourth overall in All-Star balloting with 1,286,324 votes
Named Western Conference Rookie of the Month for December 2002
Named Western Conference Rookie of the Month for February 2003

Posted the highest field goal percentage in NBA history over a six-game stretch, making 31-of-35 shot attempts for an accuracy of 88.6 percent from 11/9/02 - 11/21/02

Scored 20 points on a perfect nine-for-nine shooting against the LA Lakers on 11/17/02

❸ 关于运动的英语手抄报



奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的包含多种体育运动项目的国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。奥林匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊,因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。19世纪末由法国的顾拜旦男爵创立了真正意义上的现代奥林匹克运动会。从1896年开始奥林匹克运动会每四年就举办一次会期不超过16天。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。奥林匹克运动有一系列独特而鲜明的象征性标志,这些标志有着丰富的文化含义,形象地体现了奥林匹克理想的价值取向和文化内涵。如:奥林匹克五环标志由5个奥林匹克环从左至右套接而成,是蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5 种颜色, 1979年6月,国奥会正式宣布了会旗和五环的含义:象征五大洲的团结,世界运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥运会上相见。
第29届奥林匹克运动会的主会场,位于北京。在08年北京奥运会上,有8个大项和分项比赛项目已经不会有变。现在距离2008年奥运会还有1周年,比赛项目基本都确定。福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国辽阔的山川大地、 江河湖海和人们喜爱的动物形象。 “中国印•舞动的北京”会徽将肖形印、中国字和五环徽有机地结合起来,充满了深沉的活力。尺幅之地,凝聚着东西方气韵;笔画之间,升华着奥运会精神。



1936年,柏林-奥运火炬首次燃起。从本届奥运会起,点燃奥林匹克火焰是每届奥运会开幕式不可缺少的仪式之一。1956年,墨尔本-奥运圣火首度照亮南半球。1964年,东京-奥运火炬首次在亚洲点燃。1976年,蒙特利尔-卫星传递奥运圣火。2000年, 悉尼-奥运圣火水下传递。2004年,雅典-五洲共享奥运荣耀。


Fuk her Beijing in 2008 is the 29th session of the Olympic Games mascot, colors and inspiration from the Olympic rings, from China's vast land of mountains, rivers, lakes and sea-people image of favorite animal. Fu is her five lovely small intimate partners, and their integration into the shape of the fish, panda, Tibetan antelope, swallow and the Olympic flame's image. Each doll has a Lang Lang missing you name: "Babe," "Jingjing," "Huanhuan," "Yingying" and "Nini", in China, Permian-name is a favorite expression of the child Of the traditional way. When the names of the five children together, you will read out Beijing in the world for his kind invitation "Beijing welcomes you."
For years, the Chinese have adopted the traditional symbols convey blessings. Beijing Olympic mascots for each doll represents a good wishes: prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck. Their prototype contains a headdress and with the oceans, forests, the sacred flame, the earth and the sky links, image design of the traditional Chinese art performance, has demonstrated China's splendid culture. Her blessing to the children around the world convey friendship, peace, entrepreneurial spirit and harmony between man and nature of a desire. Dolls are the kind with Beijing, will be taken to all corners of the world wish to invite people of all countries copolymer Beijing to celebrate the 2008 Olympic Festival.

Olympic history
Olympic Games (Olympics), is sponsored by the International Olympic Committee included a variety of projects, an international sports games, held once every four years. The first Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece, e to held in Olympia named. The end of the 19th century by the French Baron Coubertin founded the true sense of the modern Olympic Games. From the 1896 Olympic Games every four years to begin organizing a period not exceeding 16 days. Olympic Games now has become a symbol of peace and friendship. Olympic sports have a series of unique and distinct symbolic signs, these signs is rich in cultural meaning, vividly embodies the Olympic ideal of value orientation and cultural connotations. Such as: the Olympic rings logo by the five Olympic ring from Taojie from left to right, are blue, yellow, black, green and red five kinds of colors, in June 1979, the IOC announced the official flag and the Fifth Ring Meaning: symbol of the unity of the five continents, the world athletes in a fair, frank and friendly spirit of competition in the Olympic Games meet.
The 29th session of the main venue for the Olympic Games in Beijing. In 08 Beijing Olympics, has eight categories and sub-events have not changed. Before the 2008 Olympic Games have one anniversary, the competition will be basically established. Fuk her Beijing in 2008 is the 29th session of the Olympic Games mascot, colors and inspiration from the Olympic rings, from China's vast land of mountains, rivers, lakes and sea-people image of favorite animal. "China and India • dancing Beijing" Xiao-shaped logo will be printed, the Chinese word rings logo and organically integrated, full of deep vitality. Chifu land and unite the East and West Qiyun; strokes between the distillation of the spirit of the Olympic Games.

Olympic rings
Olympic rings logo by Pierre - Germany - Coubertin in 1913 conceptual design,
It is a worldwide awareness of the most widely Olympic Games logo. Five different
Color Circle on behalf of the modern Olympic Games to participate in the five continents - Europe, Asia,
Africa, Oceania and the Americas. Olympic rings from left to right followed by blue, yellow, black, green, red,
On behalf of the Olympic movement, and participate in the Olympic Games and five continents gathered together all the athletes.

Olympic Torch

Fire is an important driving force behind human civilization, but also the hearts of our ancestors are sacred objects. The torch as an important link in the Games, has been 2700 years of history. Ancient Greek legend of the Olympia mountains are the habitat of the gods by the local people to commemorate the fire of human Daode Vulcan Prometheus, every four years should be held before the altar in a ritual ceremony.
Olympic flame lit in Ancient ceremony, originated in ancient Greece human stealing fire from heaven myth. Torch symbolizes peace and a bright future, unity and friendship, and so meaningful. Based on the tradition of the Olympic Games, the torch should arrive on the day before the opening of the host city, the opening day in the ignition. Torch on the road, or in the host city for the celebration activities, must comply with the ceremony of the Olympic ceremony, and shall not be used as advertising purposes. Ran through the Olympic torch, the host country often in the last paragraph in the distance, the arrangement with the characteristics of representative figures, such as winning glory for the country's Olympic gold medallists, in the fanatical appreciation of the audience before holding high the torch, Raochang A week later, Taiwan torch lit torch run. Flame in the field must be a clear position and should have good vision, the best in the General Assembly can also see the flame off-site suitable. In the Olympics, the torch can not be extinguished, when the flame extinguished, the Olympics will come to formally ended.
1936, Berlin - the first time the Olympic torch ignited. From this year's Olympics, the Olympic flame is lit at each of the Olympic Games opening ceremony of the indispensable one. 1956, Melbourne - the first time the Olympic flame lit up the southern hemisphere. 1964, Tokyo - the Olympic torch first lit in Asia. 1976, Montreal - satellite transmission Olympic flame. 2000, Sydney - the Olympic torch underwater transmission. 2004, Athens - five continents to share the Olympic glory.

❹ 英语手抄报--关于体育

|Yao Ming | 11

Position: C
Born: Sep 12, 1980
Height: 7-5 / 2,26
Weight: 296 lbs. / 134,3 kg.
From : China

PPG 18.3
RPG 8.40
APG 0.8
EFF + 20.60

Ranked third in NBA field goal percentage in 2004-05 with a .552 average
three-time NBA All-Star (2003-05)

Among NBA leaders, ranked seventh in field goal percentage, 13th in blocked shots per game and 15th rebounding average (2003-04)

Through 2003-04, has yet to miss a game in his NBA career
Named starting center for Western Conference All-Star team for second consecutive season (2004)
Ranks third in Rockets history in career blocked shots per game and eighth in career blocked shots
Has compiled 60 career double-doubles
Earned first-ever Western Conference Player of the Week honors on 3/8/04

Scored a career-high and Rockets indivial season-high 41 points with 16 rebounds and a career-high seven assists vs. Atlanta on 2/22/04

Scored 22 points with a Rockets indivial season-high and career-high 20 rebounds vs. Detroit on 12/6/03

Blocked a career-high seven shots vs. Miami on 11/11/03

Voted The Sporting News Rookie of the Year by NBA executives
Earned unanimous NBA All-Rookie First Team honors after averaging 13.5 points with 8.2 rebounds and 1.74 blocks in 82 games (2002-03)

Reached three blocks 26 times, as Houston held a 22-4 record in these contests (2002-03)

Started at center for the Western Conference in the 2003 NBA All-Star Game after ranking fourth overall in All-Star balloting with 1,286,324 votes
Named Western Conference Rookie of the Month for December 2002
Named Western Conference Rookie of the Month for February 2003

Posted the highest field goal percentage in NBA history over a six-game stretch, making 31-of-35 shot attempts for an accuracy of 88.6 percent from 11/9/02 - 11/21/02

Scored 20 points on a perfect nine-for-nine shooting against the LA Lakers on 11/17/02

❺ 关于奥运会的英语手抄报



Look of the Games

Look of the Games relates to the implementation of an integrated identification, decorations and way finding signage programme for all Games locations and venues. Its activities mainly involve design, project management, proction and installation. The difference between Image and Look of the Games must be noted. Image is responsible for all design, image and artistic issues determining the overall design vision. Look of the Games manages one visual expression of this design vision, planning and procing all the materials for the Games time look. The Look of Games includes graphics that may be applied to banners, towers, etc. in order to provide uniform design and imagery to Olympic venues and public space within the Host City. The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Look of the Games aspects

体育设施标准管理办公室 Sports Facilities Standard Authority
市民奥运英语100句 :http://..com/question/36563600.html?fr=qrl3


2008北京奥运会:the BEIJING 2008 Olympic Games - Games of the XXIX Olympiad


The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894.国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。

The Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games.奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。

The official languages of the IOC are French and English.国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。

The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games.奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。

The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years.奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。

The Olympic Games shall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country.奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。

The delegation parade in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, except for Greece, which leads the parade, and for the host country which brings up the rear.代表团按东道国语言文字的字母顺序入场。希腊和东道国例外,希腊代表团第一个入场,东道国代表团最后一个入场。

❻ 英文手抄报内容体育版



做个标题 大一点的 写个SPORT



旁边画点关于体育之类的画像。比如足球啦 篮球啦


Does not have match gold medallist <dnt> at the </dnt>1908 year fourth Olympic Games, because in the men's 400 meters finals has 4 contestants the British referees to sentence US's card Bent anti- people to violate a regulation only, deprives its qualifications, needs the rematch, the US team shows the disaffection to withdraw greatly, Britain's Hass Will then indivial performance completes one person to play in the finals, wins the gold medal by 50 seconds.


Hercules and Pallas
When Hercules was walking in the forest, he saw a ball lying on the ground. He kicked it because it blocked his way.
To his surprise, the ball did not roll away, but grew much bigger than before. So he kicked it again much harder.
The harder he kicked, the bigger the ball grew. At last it completely filled up the road.
Pallas then appeared. "Stop, Hercules," she said. "Stop kicking. The ball’s name is Strife. Let it alone and it will soon become small again."


I and Olympic Games
Olympic Games is window, I keep watch. This is a maximum window, had been rubbed bright. Through it, those that see are worlds. Here, it is changing every day, here burgeoning thing is being replaced. Have only me, this loyalty keep watch, it is paying attention to it every day, hopes to know it more. Olympic Games is crossing, I am pedestrian. There are many persons who pass here every day, there is Asian, have European, there is old person, have child. Here is traffic fort, joins the friend of all corners of the country. I pass the one of persons of hundreds of millions of here merely, cross it, go to another world. Olympic Games is Holy Land, I am volunteer. This is the land with pure flat, has holy fire from start to finish to accompany in side. Just because it is so, I pay out voluntarily for it, I will let my strength, let this slice of land more clean, let more ones know it, is also willing to devote oneself to it as me. I still help to the person who comes to here, let them enjoy the happiness of this slice of Holy Land. Olympic Games is platform, I am host. It has put up platform for us , lets world know us; It has built bridge for us , lets us and world link up better. This platform may let us display self wantonly. I am the host of here, I am proud to be the host of here. I will let the friendship of landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and happiness.


This simple ten words, give infinite power of Chinese people, especially for I but the speech is also a kind of strong spirit to encourage, this is the slogan of the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings.
The Chinese people's Olympic game to 2008 Pekings is total to take a kind of expectation.Remember at the beginning process of bid for the Olympic game, the Chinese committee of Olympics also obtains 2008 Olympic games to hold the power with difficulty.This time the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings, for China is a develop of a fair show, is also a fair show that emerges the Chinese magic power toward international community.
The meeting badge" China prints Peking that dance of · move" of the Olympic game Chinese special features.The characteristics of Peking and Olympics exercise the chemical element handiness combine.Red, in China always is to represent the good luck pleased to celebrate the color.Meeting the badge adoption red, represented the Chinese people to the international community of fine wish the wish." Chinese Peking, welcome the friend of the world-wide locations" adopted the Chinese Chinese brush-pen word Chinese characters simplified Chinese style, design special.Explain out without reserve the calligraphy magic power that China spreads fame the overseas.
China is an everyone's court for harmonize, we are living under the environment that lcify thus, everybody is a happy child.The mascot" the FU WA" of the Olympic game also just represented us this is happy.Innocent child.
The FU WA is be"ed face"" clear and bright"" the NINI" of" the shell shell" by" the HUANHUAN" five be filled with the Chinese race special features of doll constitute.The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly" Peking is welcome you".This expressed the Chinese people's amity to the people in the world again.The color of the FU WA also acts in cooperation the Olympics at the right moment five yellow turquoise blue of red orange of wreaths, expressed perfect annotation of Olympics to spirit of Olympics of Peking.
The Olympics of 2008 Pekings, the dream of a Chinese, bears in the applause of the world and the tears of the Chinese nations.Be a member of the Chinese nation, I will use the most sincere voice, saying loudly:
" Bless you, belong to China, belong to Peking, belong to our 2008!"

❼ 关于运动的英语手抄报图片



奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的包含多种体育运动项目的国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。奥林匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊,因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。19世纪末由法国的顾拜旦男爵创立了真正意义上的现代奥林匹克运动会。从1896年开始奥林匹克运动会每四年就举办一次会期不超过16天。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。奥林匹克运动有一系列独特而鲜明的象征性标志,这些标志有着丰富的文化含义,形象地体现了奥林匹克理想的价值取向和文化内涵。如:奥林匹克五环标志由5个奥林匹克环从左至右套接而成,是蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5 种颜色, 1979年6月,国奥会正式宣布了会旗和五环的含义:象征五大洲的团结,世界运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥运会上相见。
第29届奥林匹克运动会的主会场,位于北京。在08年北京奥运会上,有8个大项和分项比赛项目已经不会有变。现在距离2008年奥运会还有1周年,比赛项目基本都确定。福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国辽阔的山川大地、 江河湖海和人们喜爱的动物形象。 “中国印•舞动的北京”会徽将肖形印、中国字和五环徽有机地结合起来,充满了深沉的活力。尺幅之地,凝聚着东西方气韵;笔画之间,升华着奥运会精神。



古代奥林匹克运动会点燃圣火的仪式,起源于古希腊人类自上天盗取火种的神话。火炬象征着和平、光明、团结与友谊等意义。依据奥运的传统,火炬应该于开幕前一天抵达主办城市,于开幕式当天引燃。火炬在旅途中,或是抵达主办城市的各项庆祝活动,必须遵守奥林匹克的礼制仪式,不得被利用而作为广告宣传之用。然借着奥林匹克火炬,各主办国常在最后一段路程中,安排具有代表性与特色的人物,如为国争光的奥运金牌选手等,在狂热赞赏的观众前 高举火炬,绕场一周后,跑上圣火台点燃圣火。圣火必须位于大会场的明显位置,并应具有良好的视野,最好在大会场外也能看到圣火为宜。在奥运期间,圣火不可熄灭,当圣火熄灭时,奥运会即告正式结束。
1936年,柏林-奥运火炬首次燃起。从本届奥运会起,点燃奥林匹克火焰是每届奥运会开幕式不可缺少的仪式之一。1956年,墨尔本-奥运圣火首度照亮南半球。1964年,东京-奥运火炬首次在亚洲点燃。1976年,蒙特利尔-卫星传递奥运圣火。2000年, 悉尼-奥运圣火水下传递。2004年,雅典-五洲共享奥运荣耀。


Fuk her Beijing in 2008 is the 29th session of the Olympic Games mascot, colors and inspiration from the Olympic rings, from China's vast land of mountains, rivers, lakes and sea-people image of favorite animal. Fu is her five lovely small intimate partners, and their integration into the shape of the fish, panda, Tibetan antelope, swallow and the Olympic flame's image. Each doll has a Lang Lang missing you name: "Babe," "Jingjing," "Huanhuan," "Yingying" and "Nini", in China, Permian-name is a favorite expression of the child Of the traditional way. When the names of the five children together, you will read out Beijing in the world for his kind invitation "Beijing welcomes you."
For years, the Chinese have adopted the traditional symbols convey blessings. Beijing Olympic mascots for each doll represents a good wishes: prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck. Their prototype contains a headdress and with the oceans, forests, the sacred flame, the earth and the sky links, image design of the traditional Chinese art performance, has demonstrated China's splendid culture. Her blessing to the children around the world convey friendship, peace, entrepreneurial spirit and harmony between man and nature of a desire. Dolls are the kind with Beijing, will be taken to all corners of the world wish to invite people of all countries copolymer Beijing to celebrate the 2008 Olympic Festival.

Olympic history
Olympic Games (Olympics), is sponsored by the International Olympic Committee included a variety of projects, an international sports games, held once every four years. The first Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece, e to held in Olympia named. The end of the 19th century by the French Baron Coubertin founded the true sense of the modern Olympic Games. From the 1896 Olympic Games every four years to begin organizing a period not exceeding 16 days. Olympic Games now has become a symbol of peace and friendship. Olympic sports have a series of unique and distinct symbolic signs, these signs is rich in cultural meaning, vividly embodies the Olympic ideal of value orientation and cultural connotations. Such as: the Olympic rings logo by the five Olympic ring from Taojie from left to right, are blue, y

❽ 初二英语体育手抄报放什么内容


❾ 英语手抄报!急用!要“sports”的题目。 中文易思:要关于足球内的,有内容的!!!!!


足球运动是以脚支配球为主,但也可以使用头、胸部等部位触球(除守门员外,其他队员不得用手或臂触球)。两个队在同一场地内进行攻守的体育运动项目。一场精彩的足球比赛,吸引着成千上万的观众,它已成为电视节目中的重要内容,有关足球消息的报道,占据 比赛
着世界上各种报刊的篇幅,当今足球运动已成为人们生活中不可缺少的组成部分。据不完全统计,现在世界上经常参加比赛的球队约80万支,登记注册的运动员约4000万人,其中职业运动员约10万人。 国际足联核准合格标准:于 68.5厘米-69.5厘米之间 国际足联核准合格标准: 足球重量介于420-445克之间。
足球运动对抗性强,运动员在比赛中采用规则所允许的各种动作包括奔跑、急停、转身、倒地、跳跃、冲撞等,同对手进行激烈的争夺。比赛时间长、观众多、竞赛场地大,是其他任何运动项目无法企及的。传统足球是20块正六边形(白)和12块正五边形(黑)一共32块皮组成 。足球运动使用的球,用牛皮做壳,橡胶做胆,比篮球小。足球比赛分为11人制、7人制和5人制。年龄段有u15,u17,u19 国奥组和成年组及青年组等。Football is a ball game played between two teams of eleven players, each attempting to win by scoring more goals than their opponent. Football is played predominantly with the feet, but players may use any part of their body except their hands and arms to propel the ball; the exceptions to this are the two goalkeepers, who are the only players allowed to handle the ball in the field of play, albeit with restrictions.

The sport is also known by other names in some parts of the English-speaking world, usually soccer or association football. These names are often used to distinguish the game from other codes of football, since the word "football" may be used to refer to several quite different games.

Football is played at a professional level all over the world, and millions of people regularly go to a football stadium to follow their favourite team, whilst millions more avidly watch the game on television. A very large number of people also play football at an amateur level.

According to a survey concted by Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), football's governing body, published in the spring of 2001, over 240 million people regularly play football in more than 200 countries in every part of the world. Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements have no doubt aided its spread and growth in popularity. In many parts of the world football evokes great passions and plays an important role in the life of indivial fans, local communities, and even nations; it is therefore often claimed to be the most popular sport in the world

❿ 体育运动手抄报的英文

Hand newspaper of sports



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