㈠ 應該每天進行體育鍛煉英語怎麼翻譯
Working out is necessary every day
㈡ 我一直進行體育鍛煉的英語
always take exercise of pe
㈢ 星期六我經常做體育運動翻譯成英文
I often do sports on Saturday.
㈣ 我和我朋友們經常一起進行體育鍛煉英文
I always do some sports with my friends.
㈤ 星期六我經常做體育運動。英文
I often do sports on Saturday.
㈥ 英文翻譯你經常做體育運動嗎
Do you usually do exercise?
㈦ Mike經常進行體育鍛煉,所以身體很健康 英語翻譯
「Mike經常進行體育鍛煉,所以身版體很健康」的英文是"Owing to his frequent sport training, Mike has a healthy body."
㈧ 他經常去做體育運動的英文和他每天都去做體育運動的英文的意思是不是一樣的
He often does does some sports.
He does some sports every day.
㈨ 你爸爸經常進行體育鍛煉嗎(用英語表示)
㈩ 英語翻譯:1體育鍛煉,對學習和健康很有幫助 2經常進行體育鍛煉,有助於你減肥 3我們能夠從體育鍛煉中得到好
1. Exercise is helpful for learning and health
2. Regular exercise can help you lose weight
regular [ˈreɡjələr] adj. 整齊的; 正規的; 有規則的; 有規律的; 有秩序的
3. We are able to benefit from physical activity, for example, it helps to sleep
physical [ˈfɪzɪk(ə)l] adj. 物質的; 有形的; 形而下的; 確鑿的; 身體的
4. Physical exercise can make our life colorful
colorful [ˈkʌlərfʊl] adj. 色彩鮮艷的; 多彩的
5. there is saying that Rest breeds rust
6. everyday exercises can contribute to good health
contribute [ˈkɑntrɪˌbjut] v. 投稿; 捐款; 捐贈; 捐獻; 出力 1.有助於2.提供3.分擔