① 用英語介紹自己體育鍛煉的情況
I likes sports very much,because it is good for our I will go swimming from 8:答30am to 9:30am on wednessday.From 4:00pm to 5:30pm,I will go climbing on Friday .On sunday I will go for running 1:00pm to 2:00 pm.By doing those ,i build a rather robust body!
② 寫一篇英語字數達到60字的,作文介紹自己的習慣,喜愛的體育運動,事
你好 《我的奧運旅》 北京成功申辦奧運後,奧運逐漸成為全國人民關注的話題,就連大街小巷上的人們也都在談論福娃、五環、祥雲、奧帆賽……。「相約北京、揚帆青島」已經成為值得我們每一個青島人自豪的字眼。現在,奧運會離我們越來越近了,再過30多天,奧運會的旗幟就要在古老而神聖的中華大地上冉冉升起。奧運會的勝利召開,離不開全國人民的共同努力,我們小學生也應該為奧運會獻出自己的一份力量!我非常盼望能在2008年奧運會上當一名志願者。 我是一名志願者,雖然我並不擅長體育,但我非常愛好體育,尤其最喜歡游泳,在去年游泳培訓班上我還多次受到教練的表揚呢!我還是班裡的英語課代表,英語成績非常棒,曾在全市舉行的雙語大賽中獲得二等獎。我覺得自己絕對能勝任奧運志願者的工作,我將以一名奧運志願者的身份,向來自世界各地的遊客介紹中國五千年的文明史。此時此刻,我的思緒不由得飛到了2008年8月8日,五環旗在我國各地飄揚,奧運聖火燃起了全國人民的激情。我身穿有民族特色的奧運志願者服裝,斜披綬帶,佩帶著志願者標志,精神飽滿、滿臉笑容的出現在北京。 這時,來自美國的Mary女士,正望著天安門出神,露出驚奇的表情,我走過去,用流利英語向她介紹:「Hello!Wellcome to Beijing ……」 隨後,我們來到奧運會主會場前,我用英語向她介紹說:「奧運會主會場形如鳥巢,佔地面積約20萬平方米,容納20多萬觀眾,它的金色外衣在陽光的照耀下顯得格外引人注目。除了美觀的外形外,還有多種功能,如能觀測每一位運動員的身體狀況,無誤地測量運動員的比賽成績,對於突發安全事件安全系統也能第一時間作出反映,篩選最佳應對措施……」 說完,我們就進去觀看比賽,現在進行的是跨欄比賽,劉翔正飛身跨欄,再次刷新世界紀錄。Mary又問:「Who is he?」我用英語答道:「他是我國著名跨欄運動員劉翔,曾在上一屆奧運會上獲得110米跨欄的金牌!」「Wow!Cool!」Mary邊說,邊為劉翔加油、吶喊。 Mary女士看見會場周圍的福娃圖象,便問:「Who is that?」我回答:「那是福娃,是2008年北京奧運會的標志,福娃一共有五個——貝貝、晶晶、歡歡、迎迎、妮妮。分別代表一個美好的祝願----繁榮、歡樂、激情、健康、好運。」 一天的比賽結束了,Mary也要回賓館了,臨走前她對我說:「Tank you very much!Byebye!」說完,他和我揮手告別。 在回家的路上,我回憶著今天經歷的事,回憶著和Mary的對話,感到無比高興。我的奧運之旅真是永遠的回憶啊!
③ 我最喜歡的運動.英語作文60字
Sport in the world there are many, including my favorite sport is a water movement is called "swimming".④ 英語自我介紹(姓名 班級 喜歡的體育運動)急需!!!!
i'm 00 from Grade X class X. my favourite sport is XX
⑤ 怎樣介紹自己喜歡的運動(用英語)
Running is one of the most popular sports all over the world.It is because running doesn't need too many apparatus.All you need is only a pair of running shoes,T-shirts a,etc.Also,running can burn a lot of calories.However,it is easy to get hurt.So,warm-up exercises are recommended.Swimming is another popular sports,especially in Summer.Swimming is recommended by doctors,as swimming requirs whole movement of the body,so it is the best sport.Also,we can swim all the year,no matter the weather is hot or not.
⑥ 英語自我介紹(姓名 班級 喜歡的體育運動)急需! 就這!姓名 所在班級 喜愛的班級運動!
i'm 00 from Grade X class X.my favourite sport is XX
⑦ 誰能給我一篇介紹自己在體育活動方面的愛好的英語作文
My favorite sport game is volleyball, I have been playing it since I was ten years old. I also like to play other ball games like basketball and soccer. Whenever I am stressed or upset,I would play sports to lighten up my mood. Through exercising sports, I lead a healthy lifestyle. 我最喜歡的運動就是打排球,我從十歲開始就開始打了。我也喜歡其他球類運動比如籃球和足球。當我有壓力或心情不好的時候,我就會打球來讓心情開朗起來。通過各種運動,我過著一個健康的生活。
⑧ 介紹自己你是個什麼樣的人,你的飲食習慣,你喜愛體育運動的英語作文
⑨ 英語作文:我喜歡的體育運動,4,5句話 帶翻譯
篇一:我喜歡的運動 My Favorite Sport There are many kinds of interesting sports, such as basketball, football, swimming and running, but the most I like is swimming. When I was a little child, my father took me to the river which near my house to learn swimming. Then, I found it's really fun and cool when I swim in the water, especially in summer, It's the most exciting thing to do when summer comes. I like swimming. It's so wonderful. 有很多種有趣的運動,比如說籃球,足球,游泳和跑步,但是我最喜歡的是游泳。當我還是個小孩的時候,我父親就帶我到附近的河裡學游泳。後來,我發覺游泳真的很有趣,在水裡游的時候很涼快,特別是在夏天。當夏天到來的時候,最令人興奮的事就是游泳。我喜歡游泳,感覺好極了。 篇二:游泳是我最喜歡的運動Swimming is My Favorite Sport I』m neither interested in sports nor good at it. But except swimming. I can swim since I was a baby. My mother tells me that she let me swim in the water with a life-buoy when I was 20 days old. And then I can swim graally. When I grow up, I like swimming very much. I swim all the year round. Swimming in summer makes me feel comfortable to lower my temperature. While winter swimming makes me feel excited and achievability. In general, swimming keeps me fit in both physical and mental. Whenever I feel upset, I would go swimming and then I would be full of energy and feel relax. Besides I believe it is e to swimming that I』m so thin. Who wants to lose weight, join me. We can make more friends in swimming. Oh, I couldn』t wait to swim now. But it is ten o』clock in the evening. I have to go to sleep. Good night everyone. 除了游泳之外,我對體育既不感興趣也不擅長。在我還是個嬰兒的時候,我就會游泳了。我媽媽告訴我,在我出生20天的時候她就讓我拿著個救生圈在水裡遊了。之後慢慢的我就會游泳了。我長大後非常喜歡游泳。我一年四季都游泳。在夏天游泳,把我的體溫降低了可以讓我感到很舒服。在冬天游泳讓我我感到很興奮也很有成就感。總的來說,游泳可以使我保持身心健康。每當我感到難過時,我就會去游泳,然後我就會充滿能量而且得到放鬆。我相信我很瘦得歸功於游泳。誰想減肥,加入我吧。我們可以在游泳中交到很多朋友。噢,我等不及要游泳了。可是現在是晚上十點。我要去睡覺了。大家晚安。 篇三:我喜歡的運動 My Favorite Sports Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in China. It』s my favorite, too. It』s a good way of exercise, and it』s easy to play. You don』t need many skills. I often play table tennis after class. Most of my classmates like it. So we always have partners. But if you want to play well, it』s not so easy. You must focus on your gesture, your hands and your steps. I want to be better, so I practice it very often. I have my own teacher to teach me. I work hard on it. 乒乓球是中國歡迎的運動之一,也是我最喜歡的運動。乒乓球是一個鍛煉的好方式,也很容易學會,你不需要太多的技巧。課後,我經常打乒乓球。我們班上大部分的同學都喜歡打乒乓球,所以我們總是有很多搭檔。但是,如果你想要打得好就沒有那麼簡單。你必須注意你的姿勢,手勢以及步伐。我想打得更好,所以我經常練習。我有自己的老師來教我,我很努力學習它。