Ⅰ 跪求一篇小學5年級英語演講比賽稿,一分鍾。
I love my school
My school is big and beautiful. When you come into our school, you can see two tall buildings. In the buildings there are two computer rooms, an art room, a music room, a library and many classrooms.
I like to go to the library, because I like reading books. My teachers often tell us: 「Reading is good for you.」 Near the buildings there is a big playground. We can play football, basketball and all kinds of games on it. We are very happy.
There are many trees and colorful flowers in the campus. The trees are green and the flowers are lovely. While we study in the classroom, the fresh air with the smell of flowers comes into our noses. How wonderful it is! The birds are singing in the trees. Our school is beautiful, I like it very much.
Ⅱ 要一份希望之星英語演講大賽比賽的演講稿(小學高組)
"我給你介紹個我現在正上的這家 每天跟外教老師1:1電話聊天20MIN學英語,課後聽錄音復習
Ⅲ 12屆21世紀聯想杯中小學英語演講比賽復賽
Ⅳ 2010希望英語演講風采大賽高中組10進5的視頻
比賽規則分組:各分賽區選拔賽聽力環節根據選手按照《美國語伴》自報級別進行,其他環節按小學組、初中組、高中組和大學成人組進行。二、評分標准:1、內容(20分):內容充實,結構清晰、完整,有新意;2、語音語調(20分):發音正確、清楚,表達自然准確;3、流暢性(10分):表達流暢,語速適中;4、詞彙和語法(15分):用詞恰當,無語法錯誤;5、風度(10分):表現力強,有較好的台風並能有生動的肢體語言;6、交流應變能力(15分):反應敏捷、正確,能夠恰當地與他人溝通;7、整體評價(10分):綜合表現協調一致,自然大方。三、比賽辦法:1、比賽按分賽區選拔賽和河北賽區決賽兩個階段進行。2、分賽區選拔賽以分賽區為單位組織,共兩個環節:1)聽力測試,全省統一出題,同一時間進行,重點考察選手聽力,出題范圍以《美國語伴》相應級別為主,原則上略高於中小學教學大綱要求;2)演講比賽,採用自命題演講的方式,時間不超過3分鍾,由分賽區組織評委現場評分,重點考察選手英語口語發音和寫作與表達能力。以上兩項得分相加為選手總分,根據總分排名確定進入全省決賽選手。3、全省決賽分三輪進行:1)第一輪為預賽,由演講比賽和評委面試兩個環節組成。演講比賽為自命題演講;評委面試採用現場提問的方式,所提問題由選手抽簽獲得。兩項得分相加為選手總分,按總分名次決定進入第二輪比賽的選手;2)第二輪為半決賽,形式為即興命題演講和評委提問,重點考察選手聽說能力和應變能力;3)第三輪為決賽,按照中央電視台總決賽環節進行,詳情請參照中央電視台製作的往屆比賽圖書和光碟。4、往屆進入全國總決賽選手不再參加本組比賽,如參加更高級別組比賽,可以直接進入半決賽。往屆進入全省總決賽的選手,可以直接進入半決賽。5、為了體現重在參與的原則,同時保證比賽的高水平,組委會將根據各校、各分賽區參加初賽的選手比例和成績分配進入全省決賽的選手名額。四、時間安排:1、分賽區選拔賽時間:2005年元月1日、2日、3日;2、全省決賽時間:2005年寒假(春節前),具體時間另行通知。五、獎項設置:1、希望之星英語風采大賽低幼組評出十佳英語寶貝、英語寶貝,其它組評出河北十佳希望之星獎各10名(前三名註明名次),希望之星獎各50名,希望獎若干名,各組冠軍獲得者同時獲得冠軍獎。2、青少年英語演講比賽按組評出一等獎10名、二等獎20名、三等獎50名,優秀獎若干名。4、所有參加比賽選手,根據成績可同時獲得美國哈佛國際語言交流測試中心的英語聽力和口語級別證書。5、根據學校參賽選手數量和平均成績,命名河北省年度英語名師獎、英語教育示範學校獎,根據各賽區比賽規模與成績向有關單位頒發優秀組織獎。六、為確保比賽的公平、公正、公開,比賽建立評委迴避制度和監評員監評制度。1、評委不得參與本校學生和直系親屬子女的評分。2、由各分賽區代表、家長代表組成監評組,在比賽現場進行全過程監督,並與評委一起在評分表上簽名,簽名以後的評分表任何人無權改變,如有爭議由賽場所有評委和監評員聯合作出裁決。3、電視決賽現場邀請石家莊市公證處公證員現場公證。七、指定教材:本次比賽的指定教材為美國哈佛大學語言交流中心針對非英語國家人士進入美國學習而編寫的《美國語伴》系列教材,該教材注重聽說能力的培養,與教材配套的光碟實現了完美的人機對話功能,地道的美語不亞於聘請了一位24小時全職外教。本教材分1-12級,其中小學組適用1-3級,初中組適用3-6級,高中組適用6-9級,大學成人組適用9級以上。八、本次活動強調自願參加原則,所有選手請自覺遵守本比賽規則以及組委會的相關規定,有關本次活動的解釋權歸中央電視台希望之星英語風采大賽組委會。 女兒 good luck~..
Ⅳ 求視頻:小學英語演講我的校園生活:my school life
I have many hobbies.I like to do many things.Let me share a few. I like video games.Computer games are cool,too.I could play them all day. I like collecting cards.I play games with them.I trade them with my friends.
Ⅵ 小學二年級英語演講比賽。2分鍾左右。
my friendand I Hi!Good morning everyone, my name is _______. I'm 8 years old. As you can see, I'm a happy girl. Cos I have a wonderful friend. Her name is ______. She is 8 too. She is a nice girl, so am I. She has big eyes,small mouth and beautful long straight hair.I'm tall,she is short and thin. I like danceing, she likes drawing. I like English Class and she likes Chinese Class. So,we can help each other. About color, I like green,she likes yellow and red.See, we are different. But we like each other. Every day, we go to school together, play together and study together. We are different and we are friends.
Ⅶ 小學四年級英語故事3分鍾加動作(視頻)
this is a glass of water, tasteless, right? however if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter. the same is true with our life____ the flavor is created by our choices.
if kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.
so my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. if don』t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients.
three year ago, i weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarrassment and frustration in my life. like always failing my p.e examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public. it was my grandmother』s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to become confident in myself. she said 「 my dear, if you can』t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. so i began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. by choosing to change my outlook on life, i developed the confidence to make a difference and finally i found a totally new world.
so my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, enrance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. and hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.
Ⅷ 小學生英語演講比賽!有問題!
Ⅸ 我想找一個小學英語口語演講比賽的稿子,英語、漢語還有視頻發音。
去「CITY ENGLISH」的官方網站看看吧~