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發布時間:2021-02-04 19:52:51

『壹』 美洲杯 阿根廷第2場什麼時候 2011阿根廷vs哥倫比亞 比賽時間 直播地址


『貳』 求桜日和的中文拼音讀音的歌詞(要全曲)謝


juu ro ku de ki mi to a i
hya ku nen no ko i wo shi ta ne
hi ra hi ra to ma i o chi ru
sa ku ra no ha na bi ra no shi ta de
a i ta ku te ka ke nu ke ta
ki no a ta ru kyuu na sa ka mi chi ya
kou en no su mo fu ta ri no ka ke wa
i ma mo ka wa ra nu ma ma

君と仆と"桜日和"(我和你的[櫻花之日] )
ki mo to bo ku to sa ku ra bi yo ri
ka ze ni yu re te ma i mo do ru
ma ru de na ga i yu me ka ra sa me ta you ni
見上げた先は桃色の空(抬頭望去 只有桃色的天空)
mi a ge ta sa ki wa ha mo mo i ro no so ra

好きでした好きでした(曾是如此喜歡 如此喜歡)
su ki de shi ta su ki de shi ta
e ga o sa ki so me ta ki mi ga
仆だけが知っていた(我也知曉 身邊的你)
bo ku da ke ga shi tte i ta
mi gi ga wa ya wa ra ka na i ba sho
sa ku ra no shi ta no ya ku so ku
ra i nen mo ko ko ni ku you tte
nan do mo ta shi ka me a tta ke do
i ma mo ha ta se nu ma ma

ki mi to bo ku to sa ku ra bi yo ri
ka ze ni so tto yo mi ga e ru
ki mi mo i ma do ko ka de mi te ru no ka naa
a no hi to o na ji ha mo mo i ro no so ra

o i ka ke ta hi bi no na ka ni
ki za ma re ta a shi a to wa
na ni yo ri mo ka ke ga e no nai ta ka ra mo no

ki mo to bo ku to sa ku ra bi yo ri
ka ze ni yu re te ma i mo do ru
to me do nai o mo i ga a fu re da shi de
na mi da ga ko mi a ge ta

ki mo to bo ku to sa ku ra bi yo ri
ka ze ni yu re te ma i mo do ru
ma da mi nu mi rai wo mu ne ni da i te
見上げた先は桃色の空(抬頭望去 只有桃色的天空)
mi a ge ta sa ki wa ha mo mo i ro no so ra

『叄』 談論足球比賽的英語對話

A: What is offside,kerry? B: A player is offside if he receives a forward pass from a teammate in the opponent's half of the field,with fewer than two opponents between himself and the goal. A: How is a foul committed? B: If a player trips,kicks,strikes,obstructs or holds an opponent ,he's committed a foul. A: What's the penalty for it ? B: If it is merely a minor offence,the referee may award a free kick.For an intentional offence,the offender may be shown a yellow card.But if he repeats it intentionally,he may be shown the redcard.Then the player is sent off the field. A: Do you think it a good means to curb violence on the football field? B: Tto some extent,yes. A: When is penalty kick awarded? B: That's when a serious foul is committed inside the penalty area.Why are you so interested in football today? A: I have got a ticket for the match between Argentina and Poland. A: 克里,什麼叫越位? B: 在對方半場,本方隊員向前傳球時,接球隊員與球門之間少於兩名隊員即為越位。 A: 什麼情況構成犯規? B: 如果對方隊員採用絆,踢,打,阻擋及拉人等手段即為犯規。 A: 如何處罰呢? B: 如果只是一般犯規,裁判員可判罰任意球。如果是故意犯規,犯規隊員可能會被亮黃牌。如果兩次有意犯規,可能就會被亮紅牌,被罰下場。 A: 你認為這是阻止球場暴力的有效途徑以? B: 從某種程度上來說,是的。 A: 什麼時候罰點球? B: 在禁區內嚴重犯規時,就會被判罰點球。你今天怎麼對足球這么感興趣? A: 我弄到了一張阿根廷隊對波蘭隊的票。 0

『肆』 哪位高手解釋下TTO什麼意思

「傳統」 即保持跆拳道武道之本來面目。沿襲跆拳道最初的實用,有效,高超華麗的技術特點。遵循以真正的實戰為技法修煉之根本,以精神境界,武道哲理之參悟之修為為至高追求的傳統武士修行之法。


1. 工裝驗證
TPM Total Preventive Maintenance...TTO Tool Try Out 工裝驗證...UOM Unit Of Measure

2. 離體鼠皮對茶樹油

3. 含茶樹油

4. 熱轉印

『伍』 網球王子和美國比賽,青學部長的歡迎會那首歌叫什麼名字


wonderful day
跡部:ma bu shi i go go ma do wo a ke ru
o ke mo na ku ka ke ru hi ka ge no ko mi chi
小切:ka ta de i ki wo su i kon de me wo to ji
o mo i e ga i ta a shi ta ka ra no su te ji
真田:i me ji shi te ru a ta ra shi i pe ji
ma shi ro i kyan pa su ni e ga ku
橘子:mu ka i ka ze mo o ka ma i na ku shi de ki ri hi ra
ku ko no ha te na ku tsu zu ku BRAND NEW STORY
合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days
橘子:wonderful days

深司:ze bu ra mo yo u no kou sa ten a
o ni ka wa ru to ha shi ri da su
神尾:shi ro i ra in da ke wo fu
mun de wa ta ri ki ru
合: ko do mo no yo u ni
合: i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni
fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru
ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra
to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi
ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to
to ki ha na tte ku
跡部:pe da ru wo fu mu a shi wo ha ya me
i kki ni sa ka mi chi ka ke a ga ru
小切:i ma to bi ta tsu ma e no na ga i jyo so u
ta ka ma ru ko do u kan ji na ga ra
真田:ko no sa ka wo no bo ri ki tte
te ben ga mi e te ki ta ko ro ni
橘子:mi na mi ka ze ga se na ka wo o i ko shi te yu ku
合: ha ji ma ri no a i zu wo shi ra se ru yo u ni
合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days

深司:a to su ko shi da ke wo ku ri ka
e shi i tsu no ma ni ka ko ko ma de ki te ta
神尾:mo u shi ka i no o ku ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri sa e
合:don na to ki mo mu e ni shi ma i
kon da ma ma no o mo i wa su re na i de zu
tto a ta ta me tsu zu ke ta na ra
ki tto i tsu ka na mo nai to ri no yo u ni
o mo u ma ma ko no o o so ra wo tsu
ki su su mun de ku
橘子:te sa gu ri de sa ga su mi ra i wa";
橘子和真田: i tsu de mo ka gi no na i to bi ra
跡部:me no ma e ni a ru hi ka ri mo
分辨不能:mi tsu ke ra re zu sa ga shi tsu zu ke ta
真田:tsu ku e ni a ru ra ku ka ki wa
小切:i tsu ka o mo i e ga i ta chi zu
深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai
深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai
跡部:ta i yo u sa e shi ra na i ba syo
合:me za shi te
合:i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni
fu ka re a ri no ma ma no
ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo
de ki te i ta na ra
to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi
ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to
to ki ha na tte ku to ki ha na tte ku


閉上雙眼 深呼吸
仍然不斷繼續著 Brand new story

Ah, wonderful days



登上這個坡道 看的見頂點時

Ah, wonderful days

已經在視線最深處閃耀著光芒 Reach for the sky

不要忘記思念 如果持續溫暖的話

將目標指向 連太陽都不曉得的地方


一気に坂道 駆け上がる
高まる鼓動 感じながら
Ah...wonderful days...
Reach for the sky どんな時も胸にしまいこんだままの
機にある落書きは いつか思い描いた地図
誰も歩いた事のない 太陽さえ知らない場所 目指して
解き放ってく 解き放ってく...

『陸』 國際體育比賽中,三個字母代表國名的規則是什麼

國際體育比賽中,三個字母代表國名的規則是現行推薦標準的世界各國和地區名稱代碼(Codes for the representation of names of countries and regions),採用了ISO、IEC等國際國外組織的標准,標准號:GB/T 2659-2000。




兩字母代碼: 由兩字元拉丁字母組成的代碼。這種代碼擁有多種用途,其中最重要的一個用途與互聯網的地理級別域名有關。

三字母代碼: 由三字元拉丁字母組成的代碼。

數字代碼: 由三位阿拉伯數字組成的代碼。與聯合國統計處定義的代碼類似。


『柒』 求韓版花樣男子韓語劇本



『捌』 在國際體育比賽中,哪三位字母代表哪個國家,有對照表嗎


中國 China CN CHN 156 中華人民共和國 People's Republic of China



ISO 國家代碼表 國家簡稱 兩位
字母 三位
字母 三位
數字 國家全稱
阿爾巴尼亞 Albania AL ALB 008 阿爾馬尼亞共和國 Republic of Albania
阿爾及利亞 Algeria DZ DZA 012 阿爾及利亞民主人民共和國 Democratic People's Republic of Algeria
阿富汗 Afghanistan AF AFG 004 阿富汗伊斯蘭國 Islamic State of Afghanistan
阿根廷 Argentina AR ARG 032 阿根廷共和國 Republic of Argentina
阿聞酋 United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784 拉伯聯合酋長國 United Arab Emirates
阿魯巴 Aruba AW ABW 533 阿魯巴 Aruba
阿曼 Oman OM OMN 512 阿曼蘇丹國 Sultanate of Oman
亞塞拜然 Azerjan AZ AZE 031 亞塞拜然共和國 Republic of Azerjan
埃及 Egypt EG EGY 818 阿拉伯埃及共和國 Arab Republic of Egypt
衣索比亞 Ethiopia ET ETH 231 衣索比亞 Ethiopia
愛爾蘭 Ireland IE IRL 372 愛爾蘭 Ireland
愛沙尼亞 Estonia EE EST 233 愛沙尼亞共和國 Republic of Estonia
安道爾 Andorra AD AND 020 安道爾公國 Principality of Andorra
安哥拉 Angola AO AGO 024 安哥拉共和國 Republic of Angola
安圭拉 Anguilla AI AIA 660 安圭拉 Anguilla
安地卡及巴布達 Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028 安地卡及巴布達 Antigua and Barbuda
奧地利 Austria AT AUT 040 奧地利共和國 Republic of Austria
澳大利亞 Australia AU AUS 036 澳大利亞聯邦 Commonwealth of Australia
澳門 Macau MO MAC 446 澳門 Macau
巴貝多 Barbados BB BRB 052 巴貝多 Barbados
巴布亞紐幾內亞 Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598 巴布亞紐幾內亞獨立國 Independent State of Papua New Guinea
巴哈馬 Bahamas BS BHS 044 巴哈馬聯邦 Commonwealth of the Bahamas
巴基斯坦 Pakistan PK PAK 586 巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國 Islamic Republic of Pakistan
巴拉圭 Paraguay PY PRY 600 巴拉圭共和國 Republic of Paraguay
巴勒斯坦 Palestine PS PST 374 巴勒斯坦國 State of Palestine
巴林 Bahrain BH BHR 048 巴林國 State of Bahrain
巴拿馬 Panama PA PAN 591 巴拿馬共和國 Republic of Panama
巴西 Brazil BR BRA 076 巴西聯邦共和國 Federative Republic of Brazil
白俄羅斯 Belarus BY BLR 112 白俄羅斯共和國 Republic of Belarus
百慕大 Bermuda BM BMU 060 百慕大群島 Bermuda Islands
保加利亞 Bulgaria BG BGR 100 保加利亞共和國 Republic ov Bulgaria
北馬里亞納 Northern Marianas MP MNP 580 北馬里亞納自由聯邦 Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas
貝勞 Palau PW PLW 585 貝勞共和國 Republic of Palau
貝南 Benin BJ BEN 204 貝南共和國 Republic of Benin
比利時 Belgium BE BEL 056 比利時王國 Kingdom of belgium
冰島 Iceland IS ISL 352 冰島共和國 Republic of Iceland
波多黎各 Puerto Rico PR PRI 630 波多黎各自由聯邦 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
波蘭 Poland PL POL 616 波蘭共和國 Republic of Poland
玻利維亞 Bolivia BO BOL 068 玻利維亞共和國 Republic of Bolivia
波士尼亞赫塞哥維納 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070 波士尼亞赫塞哥維納共和國 Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
波札那 Botswana BW BWA 072 波札那共和國 Republic of Botswana
貝里斯 Belize BZ BLZ 084 貝里斯 Belize
不丹 Bhutan BT BTN 064 不丹王國 Kingdom of Bhutan
布吉納法索 Burkina Faso BF BFA 854 布吉納法索 Burkina Faso
蒲隆地 Burundi BI BDI 108 蒲隆地共和國 Republic of Burundi
布維島 Bouvet Island BV BVT 074 布維島 Bouvet Island
朝鮮 Korea,Democratic People's Republic of KP PRK 408 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 Democratic People's Republic of Ko-rea
赤道幾內亞 Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226 赤道幾內亞共和國 Republic of Equatorial Guinea
丹麥 Denmark DK DNK 208 丹麥王國 Kingdom of Denmark
德國 Germany DE DEU 276 德意志聯邦共和國 Federal Republic of Germany
東帝汶 East Timor TP TMP 626 東帝汶 East Timor
多哥 Togo TG TGO 768 多哥共和國 Republic of Tago
多明尼加 Dominican Republic DO DOM 214 多明尼加 Dominican Republic
多米尼克 Dominica DM DMA 212 多米尼克聯邦 Commonwealth of Dominica
俄羅斯 Russia RU RUS 643 俄羅斯聯邦 Russian Federation
厄瓜多 Ecuador EC ECU 218 厄瓜多共和國 Republic of Ecuador
厄利垂亞 Eritrea ER ERI 232 厄利垂亞國 State of Eritrea
法國 France FR FRA 250 法蘭西共和國 French Republic
法羅群島 Faroe Islands FO FRO 234 法羅群島 Faroe Islands
法屬波利尼西亞 French Polynesia PF PYF 258 法屬波利尼西亞 French Polynesia
法屬蓋亞那 French Guiana GF GUF 254 法屬蓋亞那 French Guiana
法屬南部領土 French Southern Territo-ries TF ATF 260 法屬南部領土 French Southern Territories
梵蒂岡 Vatican VA VAT 336 梵蒂岡城國 Vatican City State
菲律賓 Philippines PH PHL 608 菲律賓共和國 Republic of the Philippines
斐濟 Fiji FJ FJI 242 斐濟共和國 Republic of Fiji
芬蘭 Finland FI FIN 246 芬蘭共和國 Republic of Finland
維德角 Cape Verde CV CPV 132 維德角共和國 Republic of Cape Verde
甘比亞Gambia GM GMB 270 甘比亞共和國 Republic of Gambia
剛果 Congo CG COG 178 剛果共和國 Republic of Congo
哥倫比亞 Colombia Co COL 170 哥倫比亞共和國 Republic of Colombia
哥斯大黎加 Costa Rica CR CR 188 哥斯大黎加共和國 Republic of Costa Rica
格瑞那達 Grenada GD GRD 308 格瑞那達 Grenada
格陵蘭 Greenland GL GRL 304 格陵蘭 Greenland
喬治亞 Georgia GE GEO 268 喬治亞共和國 Republic of Georgia
古巴 Cuba CU CUB 192 古巴共和國 Republic of Cuba
瓜德羅普 Guadeloupe GP GLP 312 瓜德羅普 Guadeloupe
關島 Guam GU GUM 316 關島 Guam
蓋亞那 Guyana GY GUY 328 蓋亞那合作共和國 Cooperative Republic of Guyana
哈薩克 Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398 哈薩克共和國 Republic of Kazakhstan
海地 Haiti HT HTI 332 海地共和國 Republic of Haiti
韓國 Korea,Republic of KR KOR 410 大韓民國 Republic of Korea
荷蘭 Netherlands NL NLD 528 荷蘭王國 Kingdom of the Netherlands
荷屬安的列斯 Netherlands Antilles AN ANT 530 荷屬安的列斯 Netherlands Antilles
Heard islands and Mc Donald Islands HM HMD 334 赫德島和麥克唐納島 Heard islands and Mc Donald Islands
宏都拉斯 Honras HN HND 340 宏都拉斯共和國 Republic of honras
吉里巴斯 Kiribati KI KIR 296 吉里巴斯共和國 Republic of Kiribati
吉布地 Djibouti DJ DJI 262 吉布地共和國 Republic of Djibouti
吉爾吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417 吉爾吉斯共和國 Kyrgyz Republic
幾內亞 Guinea GN GIN 324 幾內亞共和國 Republic of Guinea
幾內亞比索 Guine-bissau GW GNB 624 幾內亞比索共和國 Republic of Guine-bissau
加拿大 Canada CA CAN 124 加拿大 Canada
迦納 Ghana GH GHA 288 迦納共和國 Republic of Ghana
加彭 Gabon GA GAB 266 加彭共和國 Gabonese Republic
柬埔寨 Cambodia KH KHM 116 柬埔寨王國 Kingdom of Cambodia
捷克 Czech Repoublic CZ CZE 203 捷克共和國 Czech Republic
辛巴威 Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716 辛巴威共和國 Republic of Zimbabwe
喀麥隆 Cameroon CM CMR 120 喀麥隆共和國 Republic of Cameroon
卡達 Qatar QA QAT 634 卡達國 State of Qatar
開曼群島 Cayman Islands KY CYM 136 開曼群島 Cayman Islands
科科斯(基林)群島 Cocos(Keeling) Islands CC CCK 166 科科斯(基林)群島 Cocos(Keeling) Islands
葛摩 Comoros KM COM 174 葛摩伊斯蘭聯邦共和國 Federal Islamic Republic of the Co-moros
象牙海岸 Cote d'Ivoire CI CIV 384 象牙海岸共和國 Republic of Cote d'Ivire
科威特 Kuwait KW KWT 414 科威特國 State of Kuwait
克羅埃西亞 Croatia HR HRV 191 克羅埃西亞共和國 Republic of Croatia
肯亞 Kenya KE KEN 404 肯亞共和國 Republic of Kenya
庫克群島 Cook Islands CK COK 184 庫克群島 Cook Islands
拉脫維亞 Latvia LV LVA 428 拉脫維亞共和國 Republic of Latvia
賴索托 Lesotho LS LSO 426 賴索托王國 Kingdom of Lesoto
寮國 Lao LA LAO 418 寮國人民民主共和國 Lao People's Democratic Republic
黎巴嫩 Lebanon LB LBN 422 黎巴嫩共和國 Republic of Lebanon
賴比瑞亞 Liberia LR LBR 430 賴比瑞亞共和國 Republic of Liberia
利比亞 Libya LY LBY 434 大阿拉伯利比亞人民社會主義民眾國 Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab jamahiriya
立陶宛 Lithuania LT LTU 440 立陶宛共和國 Republic of Lithuania
列支敦斯登 Liechtenstein LI LIE 438 列支敦斯登公國 Principality of Liechtenstein
留尼汪 Reunion RE REU 638 留尼汪 Reunion
盧森堡 Luxembourg LU LUX 442 盧森堡大公國 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
盧安達 Rwanda RW RWA 646 盧安達共和國 Republic of Rwanda
羅馬尼亞 Romania RO ROM 642 羅馬尼亞 Romania
馬達加斯加 Madagascar MG MDG 450 馬達加斯加共和國 Republic of Madagascar
馬爾他 Malta MT MLT 470 馬爾他共和國 Republic of Malta
馬爾地夫 Maldives MV MDV 462 馬爾地夫共和國 Republic of maldives
Malvinas Islands (Falkland Islands) FK FLK 238 馬爾維納斯群島(福克蘭群島) Malvinas islands (Falkland Islands)
馬拉維 Malawi MW MWI 454 馬拉維共和國 Republic of Malawi
馬來西亞 Malaysia MY MYS 458 馬來西亞 Malaysia
馬里 Mali ML MLI 466 馬利共和國 Republic of Mali
馬斯頓 Macedonia MK MKD 807 馬其頓共和國 Republic of Macedonia
馬紹爾群島 Marshall Islands MH MHL 584 馬紹爾群島共和國 Republic of the marshall Islands
馬提尼克 Martinique MQ MTQ 474 馬提尼克 Martinique
馬約特 Mayotte YT MYT 175 馬約特 Mayotte
模里西斯 Mauritius MU MUS 480 模里西斯共和國 Republic of Mauritius
茅利塔尼亞 Mauritania MR MRT 478 模里西斯共和國 Republic of Mauritius
美國 United States US USA 840 美利堅合眾國 United States of America
美屬薩摩亞 American Samoa AS ASM 016 美屬薩摩亞 American Samoa
United States miscella-neous Pac UM UMI 581
美屬維爾京群島 United States Virgin Is-lands VI VIR 850 美屬維爾京群島 United States Virgin Islands
蒙古 Mongolia MN MNG 496 蒙古國 Mongolia
蒙特塞拉特 Montserrat MS MSR 500 蒙特塞拉特 Montserrat
孟加拉國 Bangladesh BD BGD 050 孟加拉人民共和國 People's Republic of Bangladesh
秘魯 Peru PE PER 604 秘魯共和國 Republic of Peru
密克羅尼西亞 Micronesia FM FSM 583 密克羅尼西亞聯邦 Federated States of Micronesia
緬甸 Myanmar MM MMR 104 緬甸聯邦 Union of Myanmar
摩爾多瓦 Moldova MD MDA 498 摩爾多瓦共和國 Republic of Moldova
摩洛哥 Morocco MA MAR 504 摩洛哥王國 Kingdom of Morocco
摩納哥 Monaco MC MCO 492 摩納哥公國 Principality of Monaco
莫三比克 Mozambique MZ MOZ 508 莫三比克共和國 Republic of Mozambique
墨西哥 Mexico MX MEX 484 墨西哥合眾國 United States of Mexico
納米比亞 Namibia NA NAM 516 納米比亞共和國 Republic of Namibia
南非 South Africa ZA ZAF 710 南非共和國 Republic of South Africa
南極洲 Antarctica AQ ATA 010 南極洲 Antarctica
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239 南喬治亞島和南桑德韋奇島 South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
南斯拉夫 Yugoslavia YU YUG 891 南斯拉夫聯盟共和國 Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
諾魯 Nauru NR NRU 520 諾魯共和國 Republic of Nauru
尼泊爾 Nepal NP NPL 524 尼泊爾王國 Kingdom of Nepal
尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua NI NIC 558 尼加拉瓜共和國 Republic of Nicaragua
尼日 Niger NE NER 562 尼日共和國 Republic of Niger
奈及利亞 Nigeria NG NGA 566 奈及利亞聯邦共和國 Federal Republic of Nigeria
紐埃 Niue NU NIU 570 紐埃 Niue
挪威 Norway NO NOR 578 挪威王國 Kingdom of Norway
諾福克島 Norfolk Island NF NFK 574 諾福克島 Norfolk Island
皮特凱恩群島 Pitcairn Islands Group PN PCN 612 皮竺凱恩群島 Pitcairn Islands Group
葡萄牙 Portugal PT PRT 620 葡萄牙共和國 Pirtuguese Republic
日本 Japan JP JPN 392 日本國 Japan
瑞典 Sweden SE SWE 752 瑞典王國 Kingdom of Sweden
瑞士 Switzerland CH CHE 756 瑞士聯邦 Swiss Confederation
薩爾瓦多 El Salvador SV SLV 222 薩爾瓦多共和國 Republic of El Salvador
獅子山 Sierra leone SL SLE 694 獅子山共和國 Republic of Sierra Leone
塞內加爾 Senegal SN SEN 686 塞內加爾共和國 Republic of Senegal
塞普勒斯 Cyprus CY CYP 196 塞普勒斯共和國 Republic of Cyprus
塞席爾 Seychells SC SYC 690 塞席爾共和國 Republic of Seychelles
沙竺阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682 沙烏地阿拉伯王國 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
聖誕島 Christmas Island CS CSR 162 聖誕島 Christmas Island
Sao Tome and Principe St STp 678 聖多美和普林西比民主共和國 Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
聖赫勒拿 Saint helena Sh SHN 654 對赫勒拿 Saint Helena
聖克里斯多福及尼維斯 Saint Kitts and nevis KN KNA 659 聖革茨和尼維斯聯邦 Federation of Saint Kitts and nevis
聖露西亞 Saint lucia LC LCA 662 聖露西亞 Saint Lucia
聖馬利諾 San Marion SM SMR 674 聖馬利諾共和國 Republic of San Marino
聖皮埃爾和密克隆 Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM 666 聖皮埃爾和密克隆 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC VCT 670 聖文森及格瑞那丁 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka LK LKA 144 斯里蘭卡民主社會主義共和國 Democratic Socialist Republic of Srilanka
斯洛伐克 Slovakia SK SVK 703 斯洛伐克共和國 Slovak Republic
斯洛維尼亞 Slovenia SI SVN 705 斯洛維尼亞共和國 Republic of Slovenia
斯瓦爾巴群島 Svalbard and jan Mayen Islands SJ SJM 744 斯瓦爾巴群島 Svalbard and Jan mayen islands
史瓦濟蘭 Swaziland SZ SWZ 748 史瓦濟蘭王國 Kingdom of Swaziland
蘇丹 Sudan SD SDN 736 蘇丹共和國 Republic of the Sudan
蘇利南 Suriname SR SUR 740 蘇利南共和國 Republic of Suriname
索馬里 Somalia SO SOM 706 索馬里共和國 Somali Republic
索羅門群島 Solomon Islands SB SLB 090 年羅門群島 Solomon Islands
塔吉克 Tajikistan TJ TJK 762 塔吉克共和國 Republic of Tajikistan
泰國 Thailand TH THA 764 泰王國 Kingdom of Thailand
坦尚尼亞 Tanzania TZ TZA 834 坦尚尼亞聯合共和國 United Republic of Tanzania
湯加 Tonga TO TON 776 湯加王國 Kingdom of Tonga
特克斯科斯群島 Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA 796 特克斯和凱科斯群島 Turks and Caicos Islands
特立尼達和多巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780 特立尼達和多巴哥共和國 Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
突尼西亞 Tunisia TN TUN 788 突尼西亞共和國 Republic of Tunisia
吐瓦魯 Tuvalu TV TUV 798 吐瓦魯 Tuvalu
土耳其 Turkey TR TUR 792 土耳其共和國 Republic of Turkey
土庫曼 Turkmenistan TM TKM 795 土庫曼 Turkmenistan
托克勞 Tokelau TK TKL 772 托克勞 Tokelau
瓦利斯和富圖納群島 Wallis and Futuna Is-lands WF WLF 876 瓦利斯和富圖納群島 Wallis and Futuna Islands
萬那杜 Vanuatu VU VUT 548 萬那杜共和國 Republic of Vanuatu
瓜地馬拉 Guatemala GT GTM 320 瓜地馬拉共和國 Republic of Guatemala
委內瑞拉 Venezuela VE VEN 862 委內瑞拉共和國 Republic of Venezuela
汶萊 Brunei Darussalam BN BRN 096 汶萊達魯薩蘭國 Brunei Darussalam
烏干達 Uganda UG UGA 800 烏干達共和國 Republic of Uganda
烏克蘭 Ukraine UA UKR 804 烏克蘭 Ukraine
烏拉圭 Uruguay UY URY 858 烏拉圭東岸共和國 Oriental Republic of Uruguay
烏茲別克 Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860 烏茲別克共和國 Republic of Uzbekistan
西班牙 Spain ES ESP 724 西班牙 Spain
西撒哈拉 Western Sahara EH ESH 732 西撒哈拉 Western Sahara
西薩摩亞 Western Samoa WS WSM 882 西薩摩亞獨立國 Independent State of Western Samoa
希臘 Greece GR GRC 300 希臘共和國 Hellenic Republic
香港 Hong Kong HK HKG 344 香港 Hong Kong
新加坡 Singapore SG SGP 702 新加坡共和國 Republic of Singapore
新喀里多尼亞 New Caledonia NC NCL 540 新喀里多尼亞 New Caledonia
紐西蘭 New Zealand NZ NZL 554 紐西蘭 New Zealand
匈牙利 Hungary HU HUN 348 匈牙利共和國 Republic of Hungary
敘利亞 Syria SY SYR 760 阿拉伯敘利亞共和國 Syrian Arab Republic
牙買加 Jamaica JM JAM 388 牙買加 Jamaica
亞美尼亞 Armenia AM ARM 051 亞美尼亞共和國 Republic of Armenia
葉門 Yemen YE YEM 887 葉門共和國 Republic of Yemen
伊拉克 Iraq IQ IRQ 368 伊拉克共和國 Republic of Iraq
伊朗 Iran IR IRN 364 伊朗伊斯蘭共和國 Islamic Rupublic of Iran
以色列 Israel IL ISR 376 以色列國 State of Israel
義大利 Italy IT ITA 380 義大利共和國 Republic of Italy
印度 India IN IND 356 印度共和國 Republic of India
印度尼西亞 Indonesia ID IDN 360 印度尼西亞共和國 Republic of Indonesia
英國 United Kingdom GB GBR 826 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ireland
英屬維爾京群島 British Virgin Islands VG VGB 092 英屬維爾京群島 British Virgin Islands
英屬印度洋領土 British indian Ocean Ter-ritory IO IOT 086 英屬印度洋領土 British Indian Ocean Territory
約旦 Jordan JO JOR 400 約旦哈希姆王國 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
越南 Viet Nam VN VNM 704 越南社會主席共和國 Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
尚比亞 Zambia ZM ZMB 894 尚比亞共和國 Republic of Zambia
扎伊爾 Zaire ZR ZAR 180 扎伊爾共和國 Republic of Zaire
查德 Chad TD TCD 148 查德共和國 Republic of Chad
直布羅陀 Gibraltar GI GIB 292 直布羅陀 Gibraltar
智利 Chile CL CHL 152 智利共和國 Republic of Chile
中非 Central Africa CF CAF 140 中非共和國 Central African Republic
中國 China CN CHN 156 中華人民共和國 People's Republic of China
中國台灣 Taiwan,China CT CTN 158 中國台灣 Chinese Taiwan

『玖』 求AC米蘭英文簡介

Associazione Calcio Milan is an Italian football club based in Milan, Lombardy, they play in red-and-black stripes, giving them the nickname "Rossoneri" ("red-blacks").

One of the most successful clubs in the world, they have won the prestigious European Cup 6 times (second only to Real Madrid), Intercontinental Cup 3 times, Serie A 17 times (only rivals Juventus have more Scudetti) and Coppa Italia five times. It is also one of the most supported football clubs in the world, and along with Juventus and Inter form the most popular teams in Italy.

The club was founded in 1899 by Alfred Edwards, a British expatriate. In honour of its origins, the club has retained the English spelling of its city's name, instead of changing it to the Italian Milano; it should be noted that the Italian pronunciation is actually MEE-lahn.


Foundation and early years

Milan's first championshipThe team, with the first denomination of Milan Cricket and Football Club, was founded on December 16, 1899, by Alfred Edwards. The first elected president was Alfred Edwards, a former British vice-consul in Milan, and well-known personality of the Milanese high society. Initially the team included a cricket section, managed by Edward Berra, and a football section assigned to David Allison.

The official colours chosen were red and black, in order to represent the fiery ardour which would have been part of the team members, and the fear of the opponents to challenge the team. Immediately the team gained relevant notability under Kilpin's guide; the first trophy to be won was the Medaglia del Re (King's Medal) on January 1900, and won three national leagues, in 1901, 1906 and 1907. The triumph of 1901 was particularly relevant because it stopped the consecutive series of wins of Genoa, which was the only team to have ever won the Italian league before that year.

In 1908, because of issues related to the desire to sign foreign players, a "progressive" faction split from AC Milan and founded the Internazionale Milano (known as Inter).

In 1916, AC Milan won the Federal Cup, a national trophy which somehow replaced the Italian league, suspended because of the World War I. That cup has not ever been recognized as Italian title. In 1919, the team changed its name to Milan Football Club.

After the first triumphs, Milan was not able any longer to repeat those high-level successes, obtaining only a number of half-table placements, even if always playing in the Italian top division.

In 1938 the fascist regime imposed a new italianized name, Associazione Calcio Milano, for the team. However, that name was abandoned immediately after the World War II, but maintaining the initial part: the team was called Associazione Calcio Milan, which is the current official name.

Gunnar Gren was a mainstay of A.C. Milan in the 1950s.
The fabulous 1950s
In the post-war period, AC Milan was among the three top Italian teams, and won the scudetto in 1951 - the first time since 1907. Il Grande Milan included the famous Gre-No-Li, a trio of Swedish players composed by Gunnar Gren, Gunnar Nordahl and Nils Liedholm who were Olympic winners. That team also fielded quality players such as Lorenzo Buffon, Cesare Maldini and Carlo Annovazzi.

After the 1951 scudetto, AC Milan won another three Serie A seasons, in 1955, 1957 and 1959, and two Latin Cups, in 1951 and 1956. In the end, AC Milan always placed among the top three teams from 1947/1948 to 1956/1957.

The period of Nereo Rocco
AC Milan returned to win a football league in 1961/1962. Its manager was Nereo Rocco, an innovative football coach, known as inventor of the catenaccio tactic. The team included a young Gianni Rivera and José Altafini. The following season, thanks also to Altafini's goals, Milan won their first Champions League by defeating Benfica 2-1. This was also the first time an Italian team won the Champions League.

Despite that, ring the 1960s Milan won less than they deserved, mainly because of the heavy concurrence of Helenio Herrera's Inter. Its next scudetto arrived only in 1967/1968, thanks to the goals of Pierino Prati, the Serie A topscorer in that season, as well as the Cup Winners' Cup, won against Hamburger SV thanks to two goals of Kurt Hamrin. The next season AC Milan won its second Champions League (4-1 to AFC Ajax), and in 1969 won its first Intercontinental Cup, after having defeated in two dramatic legs the Estudiantes de La Plata of Argentina (3-0, 1-2).

The 10th scudetto and the first Serie B
In the 1970s, AC Milan won three Italian Cups and its second Cup Winners' Cup; however, the real goal of the rossoneri was the tenth scudetto, which would have awarded the first stella (star) to the team. A strong 1972/1973 season provided their first opportunity for the tenth scudetto, but ultimately proved a failure after a humiliating defeat against Verona on the last day of the season.

AC Milan had to wait until 1978/1979 to win its tenth scudetto, mainly thanks to Gianni Rivera, who retired from football after his final triumph.

However, the worst was yet to come for the rossoneri: after the 1979/1980 season, AC Milan was relegated by the Football Federation, together with S.S. Lazio, because of a match fixing scandal. In 1980/1981, Milan easily won the Serie B, and returned to Serie A, where it would suffer its worst season ever, in 1981/1982, being relegated once again.

The Berlusconi presidency

The Dream Team

CelebratingAfter several different financial troubles had caused bad times and a lack of success, AC Milan was bought on February 20, 1986 by Silvio Berlusconi, a Milanese enterpreneur. Berlusconi brought in a rising coach, Arrigo Sacchi, and three Dutch players, Marco van Basten, Frank Rijkaard and Ruud Gullit, to return the team to glory. He also signed some Italian stars: Roberto Donadoni, Davide De Lorenzis, Carlo Ancelotti and Giovanni Galli.

Sacchi won the 1987/1988 season after a great recovery over Diego Maradona's Napoli. In 1988/1989, AC Milan won its third Champions League, defeating Steaua Bucharest 4-0 in the final. The team repeated their triumph the following season, against Benfica (1-0), and earned its second Intercontinental Cup in a row beating Olimpia Asunción in 1991.

With Sacchi leaving Milan to coach the Italy national football team, Fabio Capello was hired and under him, the Rossoneri came to be known as Gli Invicibili (The Invincibles) or the Dream Team. With an unprecedented 58-match run with no defeats the Invincibili team had the likes of Franco Baresi and Paolo Maldini commanding one of the best defences in history, with Marcel Desailly and Roberti Donadoni in midfield and Dejan Savićević, Zvonimir Boban, and Daniele Massaro playing in attack.

In addition to three consecutive scudetti (from 1992 to 1994), AC Milan reached the Champions League final for three consecutive years: in 1993 they were defeated by Olympique de Marseille; in 1994, it was FC Barcelona who experienced the taste of defeat, after a famous 4-0 thrashing at the hands of the rossoneri; and in the 1995 finals, Milan were again defeated, this time by Ajax Amsterdam. Then, in 1995-96, led by famous world-class players such as Roberto Baggio, Marco Simone and George Weah, AC Milan gained their 15th Italian Championship.

Years of Struggle
After the departure of Fabio Capello in 1996, Milan recruited Oscar Washington Tabarez but they struggled under the new manager and were winless in their first few opening matches. In an attempt to regain former glories they brought back Arrigo Sacchi to replace Tabarez. Milan signed new players like Ibrahim Ba, Christophe Dugarry and Edgar Davids to join the stars of the previous season's Championship team, Franco Baresi, Dejan Savićević, Roberto Baggio, Mauro Tassotti, Sebastiano Rossi, Zvonimir Boban, George Weah, Paolo Maldini, Demetrio Albertini, Alessandro Costacurta and Marcel Desailly. The only regular players who left were Roberto Donadoni Davide De Lorenzis andMarco Simone.

Despite the superstars in their team, Milan struggled and shockingly suffered countless losses and draws and ended the Season 1996/97 in 11th place in the Italian Serie-A. Sacchi lost his job and Capello returned to Milan. Again, Milan signed many potential players like Christian Ziege, Patrick Kluivert, Jesper Blomqvist, and Leonardo but the results were even worse than the season before. The team suffered their worst Serie-A defeat, humiliated by Juventus FC at their own home of San Siro with a 1-6 score, although they ended Season 1997/98 an improved 10th place. This was still unacceptable and Capello, like Sacchi, was fired.

In their search for a new manager, Alberto Zaccheroni attracted Milan's attention. Zaccheroni was the manager of Udinese who had ended the Season 1997/98 on a high note in 3rd place. Milan signed Zaccheroni along with two of his players at Udinese, Oliver Bierhoff and Thomas Helveg. Milan also signed Roberto Ayala, Luigi Sala and Andres Guglielminpietro and with a 3-4-3 formation, Zaccheroni brought the club's 16th Scudetto back to Milan. The winning line-up was: Rossi; Sala, Costacurta, Maldini; Helveg, Albertini, Ambrosini, Guglielminpietro; Weah, Bierhoff, Boban.

However, despite this success, Zaccheroni failed to transform Milan to the great team it used to be. The following season, despite the emergence of Ukraine's great Andriy Shevchenko, Milan disappointed their fans in both the Champions League and Serie-A. Milan exited the Champions League early, only winning one out of six matches (three draws and two losses) and ended the Season 1999/00 in the 3rd place. Milan was never a challenge to the top two contenders to the Scudetto, S.S. Lazio and Juventus FC.

The following season, Milan qualified for the UEFA Champions League 2000-01 by crushing Dinamo Zagreb to a 6-1 aggreggate. Milan started the Champions League at a high note, defeating Besiktas JK from Turkey and Spanish giants FC Barcelona, who at the time consisted of international superstars Rivaldo and Patrick Kluivert. But Milan then started to lose, including losing by a shocking 3-0 scoreline to Juventus in the Serie-A and 1-0 to Leeds United.

In the Champions League second round, Milan only won once and drew four times. They failed to beat Deportivo de La Coruña from Spain in the last game and Zaccheroni was fired. Cesare Maldini, the father of team captain Paolo, was appointed and things immediately got better. Maldini's official coaching debut at Milan started with a 4-0 demolition of A.S. Bari. It was also under Maldini's leadership that Milan defeated their city rivals Internazionale with an outstanding score of 6-0, a score which has never been repeated and in which Serginho starred in the match. However, after this peak of form, Milan started losing again including a disappointing 1-0 defeat to Vicenza Calcio. After these results, the Milan board of directors gave Maldini a target of fourth place at the end of the season but Maldini failed and the team ended 6th.

Milan started their 2001/02 campaign by signing more star players including Javi Moreno and Cosmin Contra who took Deportivo Alaves to the final round of the UEFA Cup. They also signed Kakha Kaladze, Manuel Rui Costa, Filippo Inzaghi, Martin Laursen, Gianni Commandini and Andrea Pirlo. Fatih Terim was appointed manager, replacing Cesare Maldini, and had moderate success. However, after five months in the club, Milan was nowhere near the top five in the league and Terim was sacked for failing to meet the board of directors' expectations. He was replaced by Carlo Ancelotti, despite rumours that Franco Baresi would be the new manager.

Despite the injury problems of full-back Paolo Maldini, Ancelotti was successful and ended the Season 2001/02 in fourth, earing a place in the Champions League. Milan's starting line at that point was Christian Abbiati; Cosmin Contra, Alessandro Costacurta, Martin Laursen, Kakha Kaladze; Gennaro Gattuso, Demetrio Albertini, Serginho; Rui Costa; Shevchenko, Inzaghi.

Back on Top
In Season 2002/03, AC Milan was back and better than ever. Inzaghi returned to top form and along with Shevchenko, the two proved to be a dynamic o. Paolo Maldini returned from injury and was moved to central defence to form a pairing with the newly-signed Alessandro Nesta, who at the time was arguably the best defender in Europe. Dida returned to Milan after a fantastic season with Corinthians, where he had established himself as a legendary penalty stopper while the departure of Albertini led to a change of position for Andrea Pirlo who usually played in the position occupied by Rui Costa. This was fortunate for Pirlo because if he had decided to stick with his old deep-seated playmaking role, he would never have had played in the starting line-up, with Rui Costa also in top form. Clarence Seedorf was signed from Internazionale and Milan ended the season with their sixth Champions League trophy in 2003 and third place in Serie-A. They also won the Coppa Italia and European Super Cup. Their Champions League winning starting line-up was: Dida; Costacurta, Nesta, Maldini, Kaladze; Gattuso, Pirlo, Seedorf; Rui Costa; Shevchenko, Inzaghi. Then the following season, Milan signed Kaká. Kaká became Milan's key player and took the spotlight from Rui Costa, who would leave Milan two years after Kaká's emergence. With Kaká, Milan proved to be almost invincible and won their 17th Scudetto without difficulties.

In 2005, despite a goal from Paolo Maldini very early on and two goals from Hernan Crespo, Milan let a 3-0 lead in their Champions League Final against Liverpool F.C. of England slip to a 3-3 draw. They conceded 3 second half goals in a span of 6 minutes, before losing on penalties. This was the first time that Milan had lost in a European Final while playing in their away strip of all-white. Milan ended the season being 2nd in the League and won the Italian Super Cup, defeating SS Lazio.

On the 8th of March 2006, Milan defeated FC Bayern Munich of Germany in the first knock-out round of the UEFA Champions League and became the only club in Europe that has participated in the quarter finals of the tournament in every season between 2002/2003 and 2005/2006. Thus, the club affirms its status as one of the powerhouses of European football, and has arguably been the strongest team in Europe ring this time period. AC Milan defeated Olympique Lyonnais 3-1 in the quarter-finals of this season's (2005-2006) UEFA Champions League - a match in which Filippo Inzaghi and Andriy Shevchenko scored in the last few minutes of the match to rescue Milan. In scoring Shevchenko became that year's Champions League top scorer. Milan was defeated by FC Barcelona of Spain 0-1 on aggregate in the semi-finals of the 2005/06 UEFA Champions League.In the 2006 world cup 5 acmilan players played for the winning team of italy. Hobo

Match-fixing Allegations
Milan were named in the Serie A scandal of 2006 but survived the drop to Serie B. A preliminary court decision deprived Milan of 44 out of the 88 points they gained in Serie A 2005-06 and made them start the 2006-07 season with minus 15 points. Later, however, these point dections were reced, to 30 and minus 8 respectively, giving Milan the chance to compete in UEFA Champions League 2006-07. Although some of Milan's rival clubs had hoped that UEFA would ban Milan from this competition for their alleged involvement in the scandal, the final decision by the European football governing body allowed Milan to take part with some reservations, effectively ending all speculation. Milan played former champions Red Star Belgrade of Serbia, who beat Cork City of Ireland 4-0 on aggregate, on Wednesday August 9, 2006. The final result was Milan winning 1-0. They will be facing off again August 22 in Belgrade.

The team's current stadium is the 85,700 seater Giuseppe Meazza, also known as the San Siro. The stadium is shared with Internazionale (also known as "Inter"), the other major football club in Milan. AC Milan supporters use "San Siro" to refer to the stadium because Meazza was a star player for Inter.

On 19 December 2005, Milan Vice-President/CEO, Adriano Galliani announced that the team is seriously working to move out from San Siro. He said that Milan's new stadium will be largely based on Schalke Arena and following the standards of football stadia in America, Germany, and Spain. Most likely it will be a stadium for football purpose only (without the athletic tracks). The new stadium's name will be given to the sponsors.

『拾』 TTO是什麼

TTO 茶樹油(Tea Tree Oil)
TTO:Tourism Training Organisation 旅遊培訓機構
TTO:Technical Task Order 技術工作秩序



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