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發布時間:2021-01-26 05:48:46

⑴ 海帆親子游泳俱樂部放的英文歌曲

Gotta Have You - The Weepies gray quiet and tired and mean picking at a worried seam i try to make you mad at me over the phone red eyes and fire and signs i'm taken by a nursery rhyme i want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home no amount of coffee no amount of crying no amount of whiskey no amount of wine no nothing else will do i've gotta have you i've gotta have you the road gets cold there's no spring in the middle this year i'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears oh such a prima donna sorry for myself but green it is also summer and i won't be warm till i'm lying in your arms no amount of coffee no amount of crying no amount of whiskey no amount of wine no nothing else will do i've gotta have you i've gotta have you i see it all through a telescope guitar suitcase and a warm coat lying in the back of the blue boat humming a tune no amount of coffee no amount of crying no amount of whiskey no amount of wine no nothing else will do i've gotta have you i've gotta have you no amount of coffee no amount of crying no amount of whiskey no amount of wine no nothing else will do i've gotta have you i've gotta have you i've gotta have you i've gotta have you i've gotta have you



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