① 奧林匹克運動會(英文)
Sports A group of modern international athletic contests held every four years in a different city.Also called Olympics
【體育運動】 奧林匹克運動會:每四年在不同城市舉辦的國際多項目體育比賽也作 Olympics
A Pan-Hellenic festival in ancient Greece consisting of athletic games and contests of choral poetry and dance, first celebrated in 776 b.c. and held periodically until a.d. 393 on the plain of Olympia in honor of the Olympian Zeus. Also called Olympian games
泛希臘奧林匹克競賽會:古希臘為對奧林匹亞宙斯表示尊敬而在奧林匹亞平原上舉行的泛希臘競賽節日,內容包括體育比賽、唱詩賽和跳舞比賽,第一次競賽會是在公元前 776年舉行,一直延續到 公元後 293年 也作 Olympian games
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② 誰能給些有關奧林匹克運動會的英文資料
Swimming 游泳
freestyle 自由泳
backstroke 仰泳
breaststroke 蛙泳
butterfly 蝶泳
indivial medley 個人混合泳
freestyle relay 自由泳接力
medley relay 混合泳接力
Water polo 水球
Diving 跳水
10m platform event 十米跳台
3m springboard event 三米跳板
synchronised diving from 10 m platform 雙人十米跳台
synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 雙人三米跳板
Synchronised swimming 花樣游泳
Indivial events 個人賽
Team events 團體賽
Track 徑賽
100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米
800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米
110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米欄,400米欄
3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障礙賽
4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力
Jumping 跳躍
high jump 跳高
pole vault 撐桿跳高
long jump 跳遠
triple jump 三級跳遠
Throwing 投擲
shot put 推鉛球
discus 擲鐵餅
hammer 擲鏈球
javelin 標槍
Decathlon 男子十項全能
Heptathlon 女子七項全能
Road events 公路賽
marathon 馬拉松
walk 競走
Ball Games(球類運動)
Badminton 羽毛球
mens singles 男子單打
womens singles 女子單打
mens doubles 男子雙打
womens doubles 女子雙打
mixed doubles 混合雙打
Baseball 棒球
Basketball 籃球
Football 足球
Handball 手球
Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球
Softball 壘球
Table Tennis 乒乓球
Tennis 網球
Volleyball 排球
Beach Volleyball 沙灘排球
Road cycling 公路自行車賽
Track cycling 場地自行車賽
sprint 追逐賽
time trial 計時賽
points race 計分賽
pursuit 爭先賽
Mountain bike 山地自行車賽
Jumping 障礙賽
Dressage 盛裝舞步
Eventing 三日賽
Foil 花劍
Epee 重劍
Sabre 佩劍
Artistic Gymnastics 競技體操
Floor Exercises 自由體操
Pommel Horse 鞍馬
Rings 吊環
Vault 跳馬
Parallel Bars 雙杠
Horizontal Bar 單杠
Uneven Bars 高低杠
Balance Beam 平衡木
Rhythmic Gymnastics 藝術體操
Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床
Modern Pentathlon(現代五項)
Shooting 射擊
Fencing 擊劍
Swimming 游泳
Riding 馬術
Cross-country running 越野跑
Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design 男子/女子帆板米氏級
Single-handed Dinghy Women - Europe 女子帆船歐洲級
Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn 男子帆船芬蘭人級
Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser 激光級
Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470 男子/女子帆船470級預賽
Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er 49人級
Multihull open - Tornado 龍卷風級
Keelboat men - Star 男子星光級
Keelboat women - Yngling 女子索林級
10 m air rifle 10米氣步槍
10 m air pistol 10米氣手槍
Mens 10 m running target 男子10米移動靶
Mens 50 m rifle prone position 男子50米步槍卧射
50 m rifle three positions 50米步槍3種姿勢
Mens 50 m pistol 男子50米手槍
Womens 25 m pistol 女子25米手槍
Mens 25 m rapid fire pistol 男子25米手槍速射
Trap 多向飛碟
Double trap 雙多向飛碟
Skeet 雙向飛碟
Swimming 游泳
Cycling 自行車
Running 跑步
Snatch 抓舉
Clean and jerk 挺舉
greco-roman 古典式摔跤
free style 自由式摔跤
Boxing(拳擊 )
Canoeing(皮劃艇 )
③ 現代奧林匹克運動會的英文版簡介
In 1883, Coubertin first proposed the event similar to the ancient Olympic Games, it is not a simple succession, but the past only to the Greeks to participate in the sports will expand to the world. Although Coubertin advocated by some opposition, but in his tireless efforts, 1894 June 16, finally 20 countries represented at the University of Paris, France held the first session of the "reconstruction of the International Olympic movement will International Conference". The meeting decided that the first session of the modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, in 1896 will be held.. The Greeks expressed great enthusiasm for the conference, the audience at the opening ceremony of 80000 people, this figure was not until the 1932 Losangeles Olympics to be a breakthrough. From then on, the Olympic Games become a world sports event.
④ 奧林匹克運動會的英文怎麼寫
⑤ 奧林匹克運動會歷史(英文)
History of the Olympic Games
Pindar, the Greek poet wrote in the 5th century BC:"As in the daytime there is no star in the sky warmer and brighter than the sun, likewise there is no competition greater than the Olympic Games.
According to historic records, the first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia. Initially they had a religious character and combined a number of ancient sporting events, many of which were based on ancient Greek myths.
The ancient Games actually occupied an important position in the life of the Greek ancestors. An Olympiad was a time unit, measuring the four-year interval between two Games. Participants came to compete from every corner of the Greek world aiming at the ultimate prize: an olive wreath and a "heroic" return to their city-states. But apart from the glorious victory, it was the Olympic values themselves which accorded special meaning to the Games: noble competition and the effort to combine body, will, and mind in a balanced whole.
As the Games developed, so did a set of proceres such as a standardized schele of events and the practice of the Olympic Truce. They continued for nearly 12 centuries, until Emperor Theodosius decreed, in 393 AD, that all such 'pagan cults' be banned. He asserted that the Games placed an excessive public focus on athletic and spiritual affairs. The games was abolished until the 19th Century. Intellectuals such as Evangelos Zappas and Demetrios Vikelas who believed in the spirit of noble contests and the Olympic ideals, lent their voices and efforts to the revival of the Olympic Games.
However, it was French Baron Pierre de Coubertin who orchestrated the re-establishment of the Games, by advocating the marriage of sports and Greek classicism, leading the way to the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896.
The Greek public embraced the revival, and joined the efforts to organize the Games. Any financial difficulties faced by the Greek state at the time, were met through the mobilization of people and benefactors alike. The marble renovation of the ancient Panathinaikon Stadium that hosted the first modern Games was financed by George Averoff, a Greek benefactor from Northern Greece.
With the revival of the Olympic Games, a number of symbolic Olympic Traditions were also developed and established (i.e. the Olympic Anthem, the Olympic Creed, the Olympic Flag, the Olympic Flame and Torch).
Over the years, the Olympic Games traveled to different countries and continents, and now finally in 2004, they returned to the country of their birth and the city of their revival for the hosting of the XXVIII Modern Olympic Games.
隨著奧運會的發展,一系列程序,如標准化的項目時間表和奧林匹克休戰的實踐也在完善。這樣持續了近 12個世紀,直到西奧多斯大帝在公元393年頒布法令,取締所有「異教徒」。他宣稱,奧運會使公眾過於注意運動及精神。 18世紀,奧運會被廢止。知識分子們,如塞帕斯和維克拉斯,堅信高尚比賽的精神和奧林匹克理想,為復興奧運會而努力奔波。
隨著奧運會的復興,形成了很多具有象徵意義的奧運會傳統,如奧林匹克 會歌、奧林匹克格言、奧林匹克旗、奧林匹克火焰和火炬。
經過許多年,奧運會旅行了許多不同的大陸和國家,今年,也就是2004年,她回到了自己的出生地,回到了當年復興的城市,舉行第 28屆現代奧運會。
⑥ 介紹奧林匹克運動會的起源和相關歷史(中英文對照)
奧林匹克運動會的由來和發展,從歷史上看,可分為兩大階段,公元1986年開始至今舉辦的奧運會被統稱為現代奧運會。14世紀初,歐洲文藝復興導致人們對古奧林匹克精神的贊揚。義大利早期活動家馬泰奧·帕爾米里亞1450年提出要把古奧運會和平與友誼精神,貫注於人們的社會生活 思想意識中去。在這一時期,對奧林匹亞的考察挖掘不斷受到重視。德國人庫齊烏斯率領 的考察團,進行了長達6年之久的挖掘,獲得大量文物和史料,被堙埋多年的奧林匹亞村 得以重見天日。1852年1月10日,庫齊烏斯在柏林宣讀了以「奧林匹亞」為題的考 察、挖掘報告,建議把這個運動會恢復起來,引起社會強烈反響。從1895年到 1889年之間,在希臘人札巴斯的倡導下,希臘舉行過五次全國奧運會,但始終沒有擴大。
法國教育家皮埃爾·德·顧拜旦,於1883年提出舉辦類似古奧運會的比賽,並把它擴大到世界范圍。1892年,他遍訪歐洲,宣傳奧林匹克思想,呼籲復興奧林匹克運 動。同年,在巴黎運動聯合會成立10周年會議上,倡議恢復「奧林匹克運動會」, 1894年1月,他致函各國的奧林匹克組織,建議於同年在巴黎召開國際體育會議。同 年6月16日-24日,在巴黎舉行的國際體育大會上,15國代表決議每4年舉行一次 奧林匹克運動會,為了籌辦奧運會,6月23日成立了國際奧林匹克委員會,希臘人維凱拉斯出任主席,顧拜旦任秘書長,還親自設計了奧運會的會徽、會旗。並於1896年4 月6日-15日在希臘的雅典舉辦了第一屆現代奧運會,共有13個國家的311名運動員參加了雅典大會。美國運動員詹·康諾利以13.71米的成績獲三級跳遠金牌,從而成為第一位現代奧運會冠軍。
現代奧運會歷史上最有意義的一件事是打破了古代不允許女子參加的規定。在第二屆 奧運會上,盡管顧拜旦執意反對女子參加,女運動員還是踏上了在此之前一直屬於男子的 體育場。但性別歧視並未就此了結,田徑運動直到1928年第九屆奧運會才對女子開 放。奧運史上另一個讓人刻骨銘心的事是開始了現代奧運會誕生地希臘雅典引燃奧林匹克 火炬,之後以接力方式傳遞至奧運會舉辦地,並在開幕式上點燃奧運聖火的儀式。 從1924年開始,現代奧運會又分為夏季奧運會、冬季奧運會兩種。當時在巴黎舉 行的是第8屆夏季奧運會,在夏蒙尼舉行的是第1屆冬季奧運會。
⑦ 奧林匹克運動會用英語怎麼說
The Olympic Games
奧林匹克運動會因起源於古希臘奧林匹亞(Olympia)也是因此而得名的。古代奧運會從公元前776年到公元393年,共歷經293屆,後被羅馬皇帝狄奧多西以邪教活動罪名而終止。1894年在巴黎召開的國際體育會議,根據法國貴族皮埃爾•德•顧拜旦(Pierre de Coubertin)的倡議成立了國際奧委會,並決定恢復奧運會。現代第一屆奧運會於1896年在希臘雅典舉行,此後在世界各地輪流舉行。由於1924年開始設立了冬季奧林匹克運動會,因此奧林匹克運動會習慣上又稱為「夏季奧林匹克運動會」。奧林匹克運動會現在已經成為了和平與友誼的象徵。
⑧ 奧林匹克運動會歷史 英語簡介
The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece more than 2,000 years ago and was named after Olympia.
After the ancient Olympic Games was suspended for 1,500 years, the Frenchman Coubertin proposed the initiative of the modern Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century.
The Olympic Committee was established in 1894, the first Olympic Games was held in 1896.
The first Winter Olympics was held in 1924, the first Paralympic Games was held in 1960.
The first Youth Olympic Games was held in 2010, and the first Youth Olympic Games was held in 2012. .
In July 2017, the International Olympic Committee decided to host the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France, hosted the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
And officially announced at the 131st Plenary Session of the International Olympic Committee in Lima, Peru on September 14.
The ownership of the two Olympic Games.
⑨ 奧運會運動項目介紹(英語)
Swimming 游泳
freestyle 自由泳
backstroke 仰泳
breaststroke 蛙泳
butterfly 蝶泳
indivial medley 個人混合泳
freestyle relay 自由泳接力
medley relay 混合泳接力
Water polo 水球
Diving 跳水
10m platform event 十米跳台
3m springboard event 三米跳板
synchronised diving from 10 m platform 雙人十米跳台
synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 雙人三米跳板
Synchronised swimming 花樣游泳 Archery(射箭)
Indivial events 個人賽
Team events 團體賽 Athletics(田徑)
Track 徑賽
100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米
800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米
110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米欄,400米欄
3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障礙賽
4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力
Jumping 跳躍
high jump 跳高
pole vault 撐桿跳高
long jump 跳遠
triple jump 三級跳遠
Throwing 投擲
shot put 推鉛球
discus 擲鐵餅
hammer 擲鏈球
javelin 標槍
Decathlon 男子十項全能
Heptathlon 女子七項全能
Road events 公路賽
marathon 馬拉松
walk 競走 Ball Games(球類運動)
Badminton 羽毛球
men's singles 男子單打
men's doubles 男子雙打
women's doubles 女子雙打
mixed doubles 混合雙打
Baseball 棒球
Basketball 籃球
Football 足球
Handball 手球
Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球
Softball 壘球
Table Tennis 乒乓球
Tennis 網球
Volleyball 排球
Beach Volleyball 沙灘排球 Cycling(自行車)
Road cycling 公路自行車賽
Track cycling 場地自行車賽
sprint 追逐賽
time trial 計時賽
points race 計分賽
pursuit 爭先賽
Mountain bike 山地自行車賽 Equestrian(馬術)
Jumping 障礙賽
Dressage 盛裝舞步
Eventing 三日賽 Fencing(擊劍)
Foil 花劍
Epee 重劍
Sabre 佩劍 Gymnastics(體操)
Artistic Gymnastics 競技體操
Floor Exercises 自由體操
Pommel Horse 鞍馬
Rings 吊環
Vault 跳馬
Parallel Bars 雙杠
Horizontal Bar 單杠
Uneven Bars 高低杠
Balance Beam 平衡木
Rhythmic Gymnastics 藝術體操
Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床 Modern Pentathlon(現代五項)
Shooting 射擊
Fencing 擊劍
Swimming 游泳
Riding 馬術
Cross-country running 越野跑 Sailing(帆船)
Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design 男子/女子帆板米氏級
Single-handed Dinghy Women - Europe 女子帆船歐洲級
Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn 男子帆船芬蘭人級
Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser 激光級Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470 男子/女子帆船470級預賽
Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er 49人級
Multihull open - Tornado 龍卷風級
Keelboat men - Star 男子星光級
Keelboat women - Yngling 女子索林級 Shooting(射擊)
10 m air rifle 10米氣步槍
10 m air pistol 10米氣手槍
Men's 10 m running target 男子10米移動靶
Men's 50 m rifle prone position 男子50米步槍卧射
50 m rifle three positions 50米步槍3種姿勢
Men's 50 m pistol 男子50米手槍
Women's 25 m pistol 女子25米手槍
Men's 25 m rapid fire pistol 男子25米手槍速射
Trap 多向飛碟
Double trap 雙多向飛碟
Skeet 雙向飛碟 Triathlon(鐵人三項)
Swimming 游泳
Cycling 自行車
Running 跑步 Weightlifting(舉重)
Snatch 抓舉
Clean and jerk 挺舉 Wrestling(摔跤)
greco-roman 古典式摔跤
free style 自由式摔跤 Rowing(賽艇) Boxing(拳擊)
Canoeing(皮劃艇) Judo(柔道) Taekwondo(跆拳道)
⑩ 用英文簡介北京奧運會
The 29th Summer Olympic Games, also known as the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, were held in Beijing。
the capital of the People's Republic of China, at 8 p.m. on August 8, 2008.
The host cities of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are Beijing, with Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang, Qinhuang and Qing as co-host cities.
Hong Kong undertakes equestrian events.
There are 204 countries and regions participating in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. There are 11 438 athletes participating in 302 (28) sports.
More than 60,000 athletes, coaches and officials participated.
In 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games set 43 new world records and 132 new Olympic records. A total of 87 countries and regions won medals.
China ranked first in the gold medal list with 51 gold medals and was the first Asian country to top the gold medal list in Olympic history.
第29屆夏季奧林匹克運動會(Games of the XXIX Olympiad),又稱2008年北京奧運會,2008年8月8日晚上8時整在中華人民共和國首都北京舉辦。